Všechny značky A-Z
- A Crowd of Monsters
- A Jolly Corpse
- A Nostru
- A Sharp, LLC
- A Sweet Studio
- A.Y.std
- A17 Studio
- a2z Interactive
- A44
- AAD Productions
- Aartform
- Aartform Games
- Abbey Games
- Abigail Corfman
- Above and Beyond Technologies
- Abraham Carreola
- Abrakam
- Abrakam SA
- Abrams Studios
- Absolut Soft LLC
- Absolutist Ltd.
- Absorb Reality
- Abstraction
- Abstraction Games
- Abylight Barcelona
- Abyte Entertainment
- Access Games
- Access Software
- Accidental Queens
- Acclaim Studios Manchester
- Acclaim Studios Teeside
- Accolade
- Accolade, Inc
- Accolade, Inc.
- ACE Entertainment
- ACE Team
- Acid Cat
- Acid Nerve
- Acid Wizard Studio
- Acido Cinza
- Ackk Studios
- Acme Gamestudio
- AcneVulgaris
- Acquire
- Acronis
- Act 3 Games, LLC
- Actalogic
- Action Button Entertainment
- Action Button Entertainment, LLC
- Action Forms Ltd.
- Active Gaming Media Inc.
- Activision
- Acuze Interactives
- Adam Spragg
- Adam Tarnowski
- adglobe
- AdGuard
- ADhD Studios
- AdLock
- Adobe
- Adriaan de Jongh
- Adrian Zingg
- AdroVGames
- Aduge Studio
- Adult Swim Games
- Adventure Planning Service
- Adventurepro Games LLC
- AEL Entertainment
- Aerial_Knight
- Aéronie
- Aeroplane Heaven
- Aerosoft GmbH
- Aesir Interactive
- Aeternum Game Studios
- AFIL Games
- Afterburn
- Afterthought LLC
- Afterthought Studios
- AG media
- Agate Studio
- Ageod
- Aggro Crab Games
- Agharta Studio
- Agrostemma
- Ahmin Hafidi
- Achebit
- Airdorf Games
- Airship Syndicate
- Airstrafe Interactive
- Airtight Games
- Airwolt
- Aist
- aiueoKompany
- Aivaras Ivoškus
- Aivaras Klimas
- Aiyra
- AJTGames
- Akabaka
- Akakiy Petrushkin
- Akella
- Akhir Pekan Studio
- Akupara Games
- Alambik Studio
- Alan Hazelden
- Alan Zucconi
- Alasdair Beckett-King
- Alastair John Jack
- Alawar
- Alawar Dreamdale
- Alawar Entertainment
- Alawar Entertainment, Inc
- Alawar Five-BN
- Alawar Premium
- Alawar Stargaze
- Alberto Santiago
- Albino Moose Games
- Alcachofa Soft
- Alda Games
- Alder Games
- Aldorlea Games
- Aleksander Ciesielski
- Aleksandr Golovkin
- Aleksey Abramenko
- Alersteam
- Alex Piola
- Alex Rose
- Alex Thomas
- Alex Zhang
- Alexander Bruce
- Alexander Goodwin
- Alexander Khoroshavin
- Alexander Mirdzveli
- Alexandr Lavelin
- Alexey Bokulev
- Alexey Davydov
- Alexey Glinskiy
- Alexey Khazov
- Alexey Roenko
- AlfaSystem Co., Ltd.
- Algorocks
- Alchemist Interactive
- Alchemist Studio
- Aliasworlds Entertainment
- Alibi
- Alice & Smith
- Alien Sync Interactive
- Alientrap
- AlienWorks
- Alister Software
- Alkemi
- All Civilized Planets
- All In! Games
- All Possible Futures
- All Seeing Eye Games
- All Those Moments
- Allen Dayan
- Allgraf
- Allicorn Games
- Alligator Pit
- Allods Team Arcade
- Almighty Games
- Almost Human Games
- Almost Human Ltd.
- alpha six productions
- Alpha Wave Entertainment
- AlphaNuts
- Alrauna Studios
- Altar Games
- ALTAR Interactive
- Alternative Dreams
- Alternative Dreams Studios
- Alternative Software Ltd
- Altfuture
- Aluba Studio
- Amanita Design
- Amaranth Games, LLC
- Amaterasu Software
- Amaury Dangréau
- Amazon Game Studios
- Amazu Media
- Amegami
- Ametist studio
- AMIDEA Games
- Amistech Games
- Ammobox Studios
- Among Giants
- Amund Farifteh
- Anamik Majumdar
- Anarchy Enterprises
- Anarteam
- Anate Studio
- Anatoliy Loginovskikh
- Ancient Forge Studio
- André Bertaglia
- Andre Chagas Silva
- Andreas Stieger
- Andrew Brophy
- Andrew Gilmour
- Andrew Morrish
- Andrew Rowe
- Andrew Smith
- Andrew Stout
- Andrew Teo
- AndrewDrumov, Sanke Berdochan
- AndrewMD5
- Andrey Bely
- Andrey Rumak
- Andrii Vintsevych
- Andriy Bychkovskyi
- Andy Howard Games
- Andy Imm
- Andy Wallace
- Angry Cat Studios
- Angry Demon Studio
- Angry Hangar Games, LLC
- Angry Mob Games
- Anigram
- Anima Project
- Animation Arts
- Animation Arts GmbH
- Animation F/X
- Animu Game
- Anino Games
- Anisoptera Games
- Ankama
- Ankama Canada
- Ankama Studio
- Anne Mönkkönen
- Anomalie Studio
- Another Reality
- AnRaEl
- Anshar Studios
- Ansimuz Games
- Ant Workshop Ltd
- Antab Studio
- Antagonist
- Anteater Games
- Anthony Case
- Anthony Rotondo
- Anti Matter Games
- Anticto
- Antimatter Games
- Antiproto
- Antoine Descoubet
- Anton Riot
- Antonio Renna
- Antti Vaihia
- Antuan Johnson
- AnukenDev
- Anuman Interactive
- Anvate Games
- Anvil Drop, LLC
- Anvil Game Studios
- Anvil-Soft
- AO2Game
- AP Thomson
- Apar Games
- Ape Law
- Ape Marina
- Ape Tribe Games
- Apeiron
- Apillo
- Apoapsis Studios
- Apogee Software
- app2fun
- Apparition Games
- Applava
- Appmania
- Appmania/i-Free
- Appnori
- Appsolutely Studios
- Apptivus
- Aquiris Game Studio
- Aquria
- Arachnid Games
- Arai Koh Create Office
- Aratog LLC
- Arberth Studios
- Arc System Works
- Arc-gen
- Arcade Zone
- Arcane Raise
- ArcaneRaise
- Arcanity Inc
- Arcen Games
- Arcen Games, LLC
- Arctic Anteater
- Ardi Studio
- ArenaNet
- ArenaNet®
- Ares Dragonis
- Ares Games
- Argonauts Interactive
- Args Studio
- Argus Games
- Archangel Studios
- Archeia
- Archetype Global
- Archiact Interactive Ltd.
- Arif Games
- Arise
- Ark Heiral
- Arkane Austin
- Arkane Studios
- Arkavi Studios
- Arkedo
- Arkedo Studio
- ArkHouse
- Armagedoom Games
- Armature Studio
- Armnomads LLC
- armogames
- Arrogant Pixel
- ArrowGroundGames
- Arrowhead Game Studios
- Art Games
- Art Games Studio
- Art in Heart
- Artaani
- Artdink
- ArtDock
- Artefacts Studio
- Artefacts Studios
- Artech Studios
- Artek Electronic
- Artematica Entertainment
- ArtemizGame
- Artery Games
- Artifex Mundi
- Artifice Studio
- Artificer
- Artificial Disasters
- Artisiti
- Artnumeris
- Artplant
- ArtPlay
- Artur Mandas
- Arvi Teikari
- Arvydas Žemaitis
- Arzest
- Ascanio Entertainment
- Ascaron
- Ascaron Entertainment ltd.
- Ascendant Studios
- ASGames
- Ashdar Games
- Asixa
- ASK Homework
- Askiisoft
- Asmodee Digital
- Asobo Studio
- Aspyr
- Aspyr (Mac, Linux)
- Aspyr (Mac)
- Aspyr Media
- Aspyr Studios
- Assemble Entertainment
- Asteristic Game Studio
- Asteroid Base
- astragon Entertainment GmbH
- AstralShift
- AstroBear Games
- Astronomic Games
- Astrosnout
- Asya Yurina
- Asylum entertainment
- Asymmetric
- Atapki
- Atari, Inc.
- Ataverti
- Atelier QDB
- Aterdux Entertainment
- Atlus
- Atmosphere Entertainment Studios
- Atomic Fabrik
- Atomic Motion
- Atomic Pond Studios
- Atomic Wolf
- Atomicom Limited
- AtomicTorch Studio
- AtomTeam
- Atriagames
- attic Entertainment Software GmbH
- Atum Software
- Atypical Games
- AuraLab
- Aurelien Regard
- Auroch Digital
- AurumDust
- Austin Handle
- AutoAttack Games
- Autobotika
- Autodesk
- Automata Source
- Autumn Moon
- Autumn Moon Entertainment
- Autumn VR
- Avalanche Software
- Avalanche Studios
- Avallon Alliance
- AvantGarden Games
- Avast
- Aviary Studios
- Avidly Wild Games
- Awaceb
- Awaken Realms
- AWE Games
- Awesome Enterprises
- Awesome Games Studio
- AwesomeBlade
- Aweswan studios
- Awfully Nice Studios
- Awoker Games
- AWStudios
- Axel Shokk
- Axis Game Factory
- Axis Game Factory LLC
- Axis Game Factory, Inc.
- Axis Games
- Axol Studio
- Axol Studio, LLC
- Axolot Games
- Axyos Games
- AZ-Art Development Studio
- azimut team
- Azorian
- âge
- b-Alive
- b-alive gmbh
- B-evil
- B.B. Studio
- Baba Yaga Games
- Babloon Studios
- Baby Corp.
- Back To Basics Gaming
- Backward pieS
- Bacon Bandit Games
- Bacon Wrapped Games
- Bacq Stellan
- Bad Cast games
- Bad Pixel
- Bad Seed
- BAD team
- BadDoge
- BadFly Interactive, a.s.
- BadgerHammer
- Badim
- Badland Development Studio
- Badoptics Games
- Bakufu Narayama
- Balio Studio
- Baller Industries
- Balloon Studios
- Balthasar02
- Baltoro Games
- Bamtang
- Bamtang Games
- Bandai Namco Amusement
- Bandai Namco Entertainment
- BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
- BANDAI NAMCO Studio Inc.
- Bandai Namco Studios
- BANDAI NAMCO Studios Inc.
- Bandit-1
- Bane Games
- Bankroll Studios
- Bare Mettle Entertainment
- Barking Dog Studios
- Baroque Decay
- Barrel Roll Games
- Barry McCabe
- Bartosz Zajkowski
- Bartoš Studio
- Basilisk Games
- Bat Country Games, LLC
- Batholith Entertainment
- Batovi Games Studio
- Battenberg Software
- Batterystaple Games
- Battle.net
- BattleBrew Productions
- BattleByte
- Battlecruiser Games
- Battlefront.com
- BattleGoat Studios
- Battlestate Games Ltd.
- Batu Games LLC
- bcInteractive
- Be-Rad Entertainment
- Beam Software
- Beam Team Games
- Beamdog
- BeamNG
- Beard Envy
- Bearded Bird Game Studio
- Bearded Giant Games
- Beast Games
- Beautiful Glitch
- BeautiFun Games
- Beavis Soft
- Beawesome Games
- Bedtime Digital Games
- Beenox
- Beep Games
- Behaviour Digital Inc.
- Behaviour Interactive
- Behaviour Interactive Inc.
- Behold Studios
- Beijing Omnicity Technology Co., Ltd.
- Beijing Xinrun Technology Co.,Ltd
- Bekho Team
- BekkerDev Studio
- Belarus Games
- Beldarak Games
- Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw
- Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw
- Ben Aprigliano
- Ben Harvey
- Ben Hopkins
- Ben Prunty Music
- Bend Studio
- Benjamin Rivers Inc.
- Benjamin Rommel Games
- Benjamin Soulé
- Bennett Foddy
- Bento Studio
- Bento-Studio
- Berserk Games
- BerserkBoy Games
- Best Way
- BEta - indie
- BetaDwarf
- Betagames Group
- Betelgeuse Zero
- Bethesda Game Studios
- Bethesda Game Studios®
- Beyond Games
- Beyond-Limits-Games
- beyondthosehills
- bch waves studio
- Biart
- Biart Company LLC
- Bidoniera Games
- Big Ant Studios
- Big Bad Wolf
- Big Blaze
- Big Blaze Games
- Big Boat Interactive
- Big Cow Studios
- Big Fat Alien
- Big Fat Simulations Inc.
- Big Finish Games
- Big Fish Studios
- Big Games
- Big Green Pillow
- Big Head Games
- Big Huge Games
- Big Huge Games,38 Studios
- Big Cheese Studio
- Big Loop Studios
- Big Robot Ltd
- Big Sandwich Games
- Big Way Games
- BigBox VR, Inc.
- Bigmoon Studios
- Bigosaur
- BigYu
- Bigzur Games
- Bilge Kaan
- Billy Goat Entertainment Ltd
- Bimboosoft Co.,Ltd.
- Binary Cocoa
- Binary Fortress Software
- Binary Jellyfish
- Binary Soul
- Binary Takeover
- BinaryDream
- Binogure Studio
- BioWare
- BioWare Corporation
- BioWare Edmonton
- biplekfp
- Bit Blot, LLC
- Bit Byterz
- Bit Golem
- Bit Loom Games
- Bit Planet Games, LLC
- Bitbox Ltd.
- BitCake Studio
- bitComposer Games
- Bitdefender
- BitFinity
- Bithell Games
- Bitmap Bureau
- Bitmap Galaxy
- BitMonster, Inc.
- Bitrich.info
- Bits & Beasts
- bitSmith Games
- Bitten Toast Games Inc.
- Bizarre Creations
- Bizzy
- BKOM Studios
- BL-Logic
- Black Cactus
- Black Cloud Studios
- Black Curtain Studio
- Black Death Apps Limited
- Black Element
- Black Eye Games
- Black Flag Studios
- Black Forest Games
- Black Fox Pavilion
- Black Chicken Studios, inc.
- Black Isle Studios
- Black Jacket Studios
- Black Lab Games
- Black Lime Studio
- Black Lion Studios
- Black Market Games
- Black Matter Pty Ltd
- Black Mermaid
- Black Pants Studio
- Black Rail
- Black Rock Studio
- Black Salt Games
- Black Sea Studios Ltd
- Black Shell Games
- Black Side
- Black Snowflake Games
- Black Tabby Games
- Black Tower Basement
- Black Wing Foundation
- Blackbird Interactive
- Blackfire Games
- Blackhole
- Blacklight Interactive
- BlackMark Studio
- BlackMoon Design
- Blackpixel Studio
- Blackpowder Games
- Blackturn Ltd
- Blaiz Entertainment
- Blake Garner
- Blam! Games LLC
- Blanket Fort Games
- Blankitt Productions
- BlankMediaGames
- Blaster
- Blaze Epic
- Blaze Forward Games
- Blazing Badger
- Blazing Fanfish
- Blazing Griffin
- Blazing Griffin Ltd.
- Blazing Orb
- Blazing Orb LLC
- Blazing Planet Studio
- Blazing Stick
- Blazing Tree Studio
- Bleakmill
- Bleank
- Blender Games
- Blendo Games
- Blind Bird
- Blind Mind Studios
- Blind Squirrel Entertainment
- Blindflug Studios
- Blingame
- Blinkworks Media
- Blit Software
- Blitworks
- Blizzard Entertainment
- blizzy Games
- Blob Games Studio
- Blobfish
- Bloober Team
- Bloober Team SA
- Bloodcraft Dev
- Bloodirony
- Blooming Buds Studio
- Blossom Games
- Blowfish Studios
- BluBee Games
- Blubox Soft
- Blue Blaze Gaming
- Blue Bottle Games
- Blue Brain Games
- Blue Byte
- Blue Byte Software
- Blue Byte Studio
- Blue Comet Games
- Blue Entropy Studios
- Blue Fang
- Blue Gate
- Blue Isle Studios
- Blue Mammoth Games
- Blue Manchu
- Blue Omega Entertainment
- Blue Potion Games
- Blue Salt Games
- Blue Sunset Games
- Blue Tongue Entertainment
- Blue Volcano Studio
- Blue Wizard Digital
- bluebox interactive
- Bluebutton Games
- BlueEagle Productions
- BlueGiant Interactive
- Bluehole, Inc.
- Bluekey
- BlueTwelve Studio
- Bluish-Green Productions
- Blyts
- Bob the Game Development Bot
- Bohemia Incubator
- Bohemia Interactive
- Bohemia Interactive Studio
- Bohfam
- BoldPixel, Diedemor studio
- Bolt Creative
- Bolverk Games
- Bomb Shelter Games
- Bombservice
- Boneloaf
- Bonfire Entertainment
- Boncho Games
- Bookmark Games
- bool games;
- Bootsnake Games
- Borealys Games
- Born Ready Games
- Born Ready Games Ltd.
- Borne Games
- Boss Baddie
- Bossa Studios
- Boundless Games
- Boxelware
- BoxGames Productions
- Brace Wold Studios
- Brace Yourself Games
- Brain Bombers
- Brain Seal
- Brain Seal Ltd
- Brain Slap Studio
- Brain&Brain
- Brainbox Games
- Brainbox Software
- BrainGoodGames
- Brainchild
- Brainseed Factory
- Brainshape Games
- Brainwash Gang
- Brainy Studio LLC
- Brandon Brizzi
- BrashMonkey
- Brave At Night
- Brave Bunny
- Brave Giant LTD
- Brawsome
- Bread Vision Studios LLC.
- BreakAway Games
- Breakfall
- Breaking Fourth
- Brian Cronin
- Brian Cullen
- Brightrock Games
- Brightside Games
- Brilliant Game Studios
- Brilliant Skies Ltd.
- Brimo Studio
- BrineTeam
- Broken Arms Games Pty Ltd
- Broken Rules
- Broken Window Studios
- Browny Application
- Brucefilm
- Brushfire Games
- Brutal Studio
- Bryan Gale
- Brytenwalda
- BS1 & BSL Team
- BSK Games
- BT Studios
- BTNcafe
- Buckethead Entertainment
- Buddy Cops, LLC
- Bug Inventors
- BUG-Studio
- Bugbear
- Bugbear Entertainment
- Bugbyte Ltd.
- Buka Development
- Buka Entertainment
- Buka Game Studio
- BulatHard
- Bulbware
- Bulkhead Interactive
- Bulletproof Outlaws
- Bullfrog Productions
- Bullid Games
- Bulut ULU
- Bulwark Studios
- Bumblebear Games
- bumblebee
- Bumblebee Studios
- bumblebee.
- BumpkinBrothers
- Bundle Of Sticks Studios
- Bungie
- BunchOD00dz
- Bunnycopter
- Bunstack
- Burian Media Enterprises
- Buried Signal
- Burnt Fuse
- BURP! Games
- Burrito Studio
- Burut CT
- Burut Entertainment
- Butterscotch Shenanigans
- Bynine
- BySamb
- Byte4Games
- ByteRockers' Games
- Byterunners Game Studio
- Bytten Studio
- Byzantine Games
- C.I.N.I.C. Games
- C2 Game Studio
- C3SK
- Cabygon
- Caged Element Inc.
- Caipirinha Games
- Cake Collective Games
- Calepin Studio
- Callback
- calme
- Camaquem
- Camel 101
- Camel101 LLC
- Camouflaj
- Campfire Studio
- Campo Santo
- Camshaft Software
- Can Explode
- Candygun Games
- Canuck Play
- Capcom Development Division 1
- Capcom Development Division 2
- Capcom Game Studio Vancouver
- Capcom Game Studio Vancouver, Inc.
- Capcom Production Studio 1
- Capcom Production Studio 3
- Capcom Production Studio 4
- Capcom U.S.A., Inc.
- Capcom Vancouver
- Cape Copenhagen
- Cape Guy Ltd
- Capitola VR
- Capribyte Studios
- Capybara
- Capybara Games
- Caracal Games
- Caravel Games
- Carbomb Software
- Carbon
- Carbon Games
- Carbon Studio
- Cardboard Computer
- Cardboard Keep
- Carl Games
- Carlo D'Apostoli Projects
- Carlos Vázquez Ordóñez
- Carlsen Games
- Carnival Games
- Cartboard Games
- CarVin Interactive
- CarX Technologies
- Casey Donnellan Games LLC
- Casiualogic
- Castle Pixel, LLC.
- Casual Box Games
- Casual Brothers
- Casualogic
- Cat Daddy Games
- Cat Rabbit
- Cat5Games
- Cateia
- Cateia Games
- Catching Kobolds
- Catchweight Studio
- Catness Game Studios
- Catom Games
- Cats Who Play
- Cattle Call
- Cauldron
- Cauldron HQ
- Causal Bit Games Inc.
- CAVE Interactive
- CAVE Interactive CO.,LTD.
- Cavedog Entertainment
- CCArts
- CD Jones
- Cécile Amstad
- Celeris
- Celery Emblem™
- Celianna
- Cellar Door Games
- Celsius Game Studios
- Cemil Tasdemir
- Centauri Production
- cerasus.media
- Certain Affinity
- CFK Co., Ltd.
- CGE Digital
- CI Games
- Cinemaware
- CINEMAX, s.r.o.
- Cipher Hive
- Cipher Prime Studios
- Circle Five Studios
- Circuit_Art
- Circus Atos
- Citeremis Inc.
- City Connection
- City Interactive
- CITY interactive Sp. z o.o.
- Citystate Dev
- CivilSavages
- CJH Labs
- Claeys Brothers
- Clapfoot
- Clarus Victoria
- Classic Game Software
- Claudio Norori
- Claws of Lorek
- CleanWaterSoft
- Clever Beans
- Clever Endeavour Games
- Clever-Plays
- Cleversan Software
- Cleverweek
- Clewcat Games
- ClickGames
- ClickShake Games LLC
- Clickteam
- Cliffhanger Productions
- Clifftop Games
- Climax Studios
- Climax Studios Ltd
- Cloak and Dagger Games
- ClockStone
- ClockStone Studios
- Clockwork Game Software
- Cloisters Interactive
- ClorithStudio
- Close Studios
- CloudGate Studio, Inc.
- Clover Bite
- CM Games
- CM Softworks
- CoaguCo Industries
- Coal Supper
- Coatsink
- Cobble Games
- Cobra Mobile
- Cockroach Inc.
- Cococucumber
- Coconut Tree Studio
- Codalyn
- Code Avarice
- Code Club AB
- Code Force
- Code Headquarters LLC
- Code Horizon
- Code Mystics
- code:jp
- Code}{atch
- CodeBison Games
- Codebyfire
- Codeglue
- Codemasters
- Codemasters Action Studio
- Codemasters Birmingham
- Codemasters Digital
- Codemasters Cheshire
- Codemasters Southam
- Codemasters Studios
- Codemodeon
- Codename Entertainment Inc.
- CodeParade
- Codex Worlds
- Coffee Addict Studio
- Coffee Cat Games
- Coffee Powered Machine
- Coffee Stain Studios
- Cognitive Forge
- Coilworks
- Cold Beam Games
- ColdGames
- Coldwild Games
- Coldwood Interactive
- ColePowered Games
- Colibri Games
- Colin Jones & The Potassium Frog
- Colin Northway
- Colin Northway with art by Thomas Shahan
- Colin Wren
- ColloseusX
- Color Gray Games
- Colorful Media
- Colorgrave
- Colossal Games
- Colossal Order
- Colossal Order Ltd.
- Colossal Wreck
- Comcept
- ComiPo! LLP
- ComixPlay
- Commotion Games Pty Ltd
- ComonGames
- Compile Heart
- Complex Games
- Composer-Motorin Dmitry (Djinotan)
- Compulsion Games
- Computer Lunch
- Computerhouse
- Conatus Creative Inc.
- ConcernedApe
- Confused Pelican
- Conradical Games
- Consumer Softproducts
- Contingent99
- Convoy Games
- Coolegion
- Coolegion Studios
- Coolhand Interactive
- Copybugpaste
- COR Entertainment, LLC
- Corbie Games
- Core Design
- Coredumping
- Coreplay
- Coreplay GmbH
- CorePunch Gamestudio
- Corey Martin
- Corncrow Games
- Cornfox & Bros.
- Cornfox & Brothers Ltd.
- Cornutopia Software
- Coronado Games
- Corrosive Studios LLC
- Corvostudio di Amadei Marco
- Cosmic Logic
- Cosmic Picnic
- Cosmic Ray Studio
- CosmicNobab
- Cosmo D
- Cosmocat
- Cotton Game
- Coty Getzelman
- Couch Cosmonauts LLC
- Cowardly Creations
- Cowboy Color
- Cozy Bee Games
- CrackerJack Games
- Crackpot Entertainment
- Crackshell
- Cradle Games
- Crafts & Meister
- Crafty Studios
- Cranberry Production
- Craneballs
- Crania Games
- Crankshaft Games
- Cranky Alien Games
- Crashable Studios
- CRASS Studios
- Crate Entertainment
- Craze Creative Studios
- Crazy Goat Games
- Crazy Monkey Studios
- Crazy Moo Games
- Crazy Rocks Studios
- Crazy Viking Studios
- CrazyPotato Studio
- Crazysoft ltd
- Crea-ture Studios
- Creaky Lantern Games
- Creat Studio
- Creat Studios
- Creatio 49
- Creative Assembly
- Creative Assembly, PC Port - Hardlight
- Creative Freaks Inc.
- Creative Hand
- Creative Storm Entertainment
- CreativeForge Games
- Credici
- Creepy Brothers
- Creepy Jar
- Crema
- Crenetic GmbH Studios
- Creobit
- Creoteam
- Crescent Moon Games
- CreSpirit
- Crian Soft
- Crimson Owl Studios
- CRIO Studios
- CrioLand
- Crispon Games
- Criss Cross Games
- Criterion Games
- Critical Bit
- Critical Games
- Critical Hit Games
- Critical Studio
- Critique Gaming
- Crocodile Entertainment
- Crohack
- Cross Eaglet
- Croteam
- Croteam VR
- Crouching Fox
- Crowbar Collective
- Crows Crows Crows
- Crunching Koalas
- Crynosaurs
- Cryo Interactive
- Cryptic Sea
- Cryptic Studios
- CryptidTech
- Crypton Future Media
- Crystal Box Team
- Crystal Dynamics
- Crystal Empire Games
- Crytek
- Crytek Frankfurt
- Crytek Studios
- Crytivo Games
- CSR-Studios
- CTgames
- Ctrl Alt Ninja
- CtrlMovie
- Cubamano
- Cube Roots
- CubeCube Games
- Cubic Pie
- Cubical Drift
- Culture Attack Studio
- Culture Shock Games LLC
- Cunning Force Games
- Cup of Pixels
- Curious Panda Games
- Curve Digital
- Curve Studios
- Cuve Games
- Cuveet Story
- Cyan
- Cyan Inc.
- Cyan Worlds
- Cyanide
- Cyanide Montreal
- Cyanide Studio
- Cyanide Studio - Spiders Studios
- Cyanide Studios
- Cyber Rhino Studios
- CyberConnect2
- CyberConnect2 Co. Ltd.
- CyberConnect2 Co., Ltd.
- Cyberdreams
- CyberLight
- Cybernate
- Cybernetik Design
- CyberphobX
- CyberphobX Ltd.
- CyberPunch Studios
- Cyberwave
- Cyclone Studios
- Cygames
- Cygnus Studios
- Cykyria
- Cylight Studios
- Cyril Megem
- D-Pad Studio
- D.E.X. Team
- D.W.S
- D3Publisher
- d3t
- D3T Limited
- dadako
- Daedalic Entertainment
- Daedalic Studio West
- Dagestan Technology
- Dagger Games
- Daisy Maze Games
- Damaged
- Dambuster Studios
- Damian Schloter
- Damian Sommer
- Dan & Gary Games
- Dan Fornace
- Dan Kenny
- Dancing Dots
- Dancing Dragon Games
- Dandylion
- Danger Close
- Dani Navarro
- Daniel Benmergui
- Daniel Celemín
- Daniel Fernandez Chavez
- Daniel Gill
- Daniel Jonathan Bourke
- Daniel Linssen
- Daniel Mercier
- Daniel Mullins Games
- Daniel Ratcliffe
- Daniel Snd
- Daniel Spruce
- DanielDavisGames
- Daniele Giardini
- Daniil Hasanov
- Danny Wei
- Dapper Penguin Studios
- DAR Studio
- Darius Bode
- Darjeeling
- Dark Amber Softworks
- Dark Artz Entertainment
- Dark Computer Entertainment Ltd.
- Dark Duo Games
- Dark Energy Digital Ltd.
- Dark Fox
- Dark Gaia Studios
- Dark Lord Studios
- Dark One!
- Dark Vale Games
- Dark-Spot Studio
- DarkArts Studios
- Darkcross Games
- DarkDes Labs
- DarkElite
- Darkling Room
- DarkStar Games
- Darksun Studio
- DarkTigerDevelop
- Darkworks
- Data Realms
- Date Nighto
- davevillz
- David Kanaga
- David Moralejo Sánchez
- David Mulder
- David Newton
- David Nguyen
- David OReilly
- David Stark
- David Szymanski
- David Wehle
- David Williamson
- Day 1 Studios
- Daybreak Game Company
- Daylight Studios
- Days of Wonder
- DazlogStudio
- DCF Studios
- Dead Drop Studios LLC
- Dead Mage
- Deadbolt Interactive
- Deadghost Interactive
- Deadspot Games
- deadweight games
- DeanForge
- Deathly Ideas
- DeathMofuMofu
- Decane
- Decaying Logic
- Deceptive Games
- Deceptive Games Ltd.
- Deck 13
- Deck Nine
- Deck13
- Deck13 Hamburg
- Deck13 Interactive
- Deconstructeam
- Dedication Games
- Deeli Network
- Deep Dive Interactive
- Deep Field Games
- Deep Fried Enterprises
- Deep Red Games
- Deep Red Limited
- Deep Shadows
- Deep Silver
- Deep Silver Dambuster Studios
- Deep Silver Volition
- Deep Water Studio
- Deepred
- DeerFarm
- Defiant Development
- Defroids
- Defroids team
- Defrost Games
- Degica
- Dejima
- Dejobaan Games, LLC
- Dekovir Entertainment
- Delayed Victory
- Deli Interactive LLC
- Delirio
- Delirium Studios
- Delphine Software
- Delusional Games
- Delve Interactive
- Demimonde
- Demiurge Studios
- Demon Sword Games
- Demon Wagon Studios
- DemonVideogames
- Denis Galanin (mif2000)
- Denis Lapiner
- Denis Novikov
- Denis Ovsyannikov
- Denis Rudoy
- Dennaton Games
- Denneko Yuugi
- Dennis Esie
- Denver Productions
- Deqaf Studio
- Desert Fox
- Design Factory
- Destrax Games
- Destructive Creations
- Devdan Games
- Devespresso Games
- devFluid
- Devil's Details
- Devil's Dozen Games
- DevilishGames
- Dexion Games
- DeXP
- DFour Games
- DG Games Workshop
- Dharker Studio
- Dialogue Design
- Diantong Intelligence Tech
- Diantong Intelligence Tech. Shanghai Co.,Ltd.
- Diax Game AB
- Die Gute Fabrik
- Diego Rodrigues
- DiezelPower
- different cloth
- Different Tuna
- Digdog Studio
- Digerati Distribution
- Diggidy.net, LLC
- DigiFX Interactive
- Digital Arrow
- Digital Bounce House
- Digital Concepts
- Digital Confectioners
- Digital Continue
- Digital Cybercherries
- Digital Dawn Studios
- Digital Dreams
- Digital Dreams Entertainment LLC
- Digital Eclipse
- Digital Eel
- Digital Extremes
- Digital Furnace Games
- Digital Happiness
- Digital Homicide Studios
- Digital Kingdom
- Digital Mantis
- Digital Melody
- Digital Reality
- Digital Reality Software & Playbox
- Digital Soul Games
- Digital Sun
- Digital Sun Games
- Digital Tentacle
- Digital Tome
- Digital Train Model
- DigitalDNA Games LLC
- DigiTales Interactive
- Digitalmindsoft
- DigitalZeon
- Digitial Skills
- Digitized Organism
- DigixArt
- Dikobraz Games
- Dima Kiva
- DimleTeam
- Dingaling
- Dingo Dango
- Dino Rocket
- Dinofarm Games
- Dinosaur Polo Club
- Dire Wolf Digital
- Dirigo Games
- Disney Interactive
- Disparity Games
- Displacement Studios
- Dissident Logic
- DK Productions
- Dlala Studios
- DM Media
- DMD 'Ware
- Dmitry Kozlov
- Dnovel
- DnS Development
- DNZY Games
- Doborg Games
- Doborog Games
- dobro_slon
- Dodge Roll
- Dog Theory
- Dogenzaka Lab
- doinksoft
- Dojo Games
- Dolores Entertainment
- DolphinBarn
- Dominique Grieshofer
- Domino Digital Limited
- DOMO Studio
- Don VS Dodo
- Don Whitaker
- Donkey Crew
- DONTNOD Entertainment
- Doomsday Games
- Doomster Entertainment
- Door 407
- doorfortyfour
- Doppler Interactive
- Doragon Entertainment
- Dosane Games
- doseone
- Dot Dream
- DotEmu
- Double Dagger Studio
- Double Damage Games
- Double Dash Studios
- Double Eleven
- Double Fine Productions
- Double Helix Games
- Double Stallion Games
- DoubleBear Productions
- DoubleDutch Games
- DoubleMoose Games
- doublesix
- Doublesix Games
- Dovetail Games
- Dovetail Games - Trains
- Dowino
- Downpour Interactive
- Doyodo
- DQ Team
- DR Studios
- Dr. Kimberly Voll
- Dr.Web
- Dracue Software
- Dracula Bytes
- Dracula's Cave
- Drago Entertainment
- Dragon Slumber
- DragonHead Studio
- DragonSix
- Drakhar Studio
- Drakkar Dev
- Draknek & Friends
- Drama Drifters
- Draw Distance
- Dreadbit
- Dreadlocks Ltd.
- Dreadlocks Mobile
- Dream Harvest Games
- Dream Powered Games
- Dreamatrix
- Dreamatrix Game Studios
- DreamGate
- Dreamloop Games
- Dreampainters
- Dreamsite Games
- DreamsSoftGames
- DreamStorm Studios
- Dreamworlds
- Dreamz Studio
- DrinkBox Studios
- Driven Arts
- Drixy Games
- Drizzly Bear
- Drool
- Drop Bear Bytes
- Drop Dead Interactive
- Drop Rate Studio
- Droqen
- Drowning Monkeys Games
- Dry Cactus
- DryGin Studios
- DSK Studios Pvt. Ltd
- DTF games
- DTP Entertainment
- Duaik Entretenimento
- Duality Games
- Ducat
- DuCats Games Studio
- Duckvalley Productions
- Ductape studio
- Duelboot
- Dugan
- Dumativa
- Dumb and Fat Games
- Dumbfounded
- Dungeoneering Studios
- Duoyi (Hong Kong) Interactive Entertainment Limited
- Durbek
- Dust Devil Studios Inc.
- Dust Scratch Games
- Dustin Gunn
- dustinaux
- DYA Games
- DyingCat
- Dylan Fitterer
- Dylan Loney
- Dynamic Games
- Dynamic Pixels
- Dzung Phung Dinh
- E McNeill
- E-Line Media
- E-Studio
- EA - Maxis
- EA Black Box
- EA Canada
- EA Digital Illusions CE
- EA Los Angeles
- EA Orlando
- EA Redwood Shores
- EA Romania
- EA Tiburon
- EA Vancouver
- Eagle Dynamics
- Early Morning Studio
- earrgames
- EarthWork Games
- Earthworm Games
- Eastasiasoft Limited
- Easy Co
- Easy Trigger Games
- EasyGames
- EasyGameStation
- EasyWays Team
- Ebb Software
- ebi-hime
- Eclipse Games
- Ed Key and David Kanaga
- Eddy & Gary & Friends
- Eddy Games
- Edelweiss
- Eden Games
- Eden Industries
- Eden Studios
- Edge Case Games Ltd.
- Edge of Reality
- Edmund McMillen
- Edmund McMillen and Florian Himsl
- Eduard Bulashov
- Eduard Mirica
- Eduardo Barreto
- Educational Games
- eduweb
- Eek! Games, LLC
- Eendhoorn Games
- Eerie Games
- Efecto Studios
- EfimovMax
- Egg Hatcher
- Eggcode
- EggNut
- Eggon Srl
- Eggtooth Team
- Egor Magurin
- Egosoft
- EHTechnology
- Echo Hall Studios
- Eidos Interactive
- Eidos Montreal
- Eidos Studio Hungary
- Eidos-Montréal
- Eighting
- EightyEightGames
- EJRGames
- Eko Software
- ektomarch
- Ekuator Games
- Elden Pixels
- Elder Game, LLC
- Elder Games
- Eldon Harris
- Elecorn
- Electric Hat Games LLC.
- Electric Rune
- Electrified Games
- electrolyte
- Electronic Arts
- Electronic Paradise
- Elefantopia
- Element Games
- Element Games, LLC
- Elemental Games
- Eleon Game Studios
- Elephant Games
- Eleventh Hour Games
- Elias Viglione
- Elite Games Ltd
- Elite Games Team
- Elixir Studios
- Elizabeth Flynn
- Elknight
- Ellada Games
- Elliott Marc Jones
- Ellpeck
- Elseware Experience
- Elushis
- Elusive Team
- ElZzap Software
- Ember Lab
- Ember Trail
- Emberheart Games
- Embers
- Emberstorm Entertainment
- emergeWorlds
- EmpI Studios
- Empire Interactive
- Emprom Game
- Empty Clip Studios
- Empty Head Games
- Empyrean
- Emsisoft
- Encore
- Encryptique
- Endi Milojkoski
- Endless Loop Studios
- Endnight Games Ltd
- Engage Pixel
- Engine Software
- Enigami
- Enigma SP
- Enitvare
- Enjoy Games
- EnjoyUp Games
- Enlight Software Limited
- Enlight Software Limited, PerspectX
- Enno Gottschalk
- Ennoble Studios
- Ennui Studio
- Ensemble Studios
- EnsenaSoft
- Enter Grip
- Enter Skies
- Enterbrain
- Entertainment Forge
- Entity Medialab
- Entrada Interactive LLC
- EntwicklerX
- Enzo Whyte
- Epic Devs LLC
- Epic Games
- Epic Games, Inc.
- Epic LLama
- Epic MegaGames
- Epiphany Games
- Epixx.org
- Eplixe
- Erdem Sen
- Eremite Games
- Eric Hornby
- Eric Provan - Ayyo Games
- Eridani Games
- Eridanus Studio
- Erik Asmussen
- Erik Svedäng
- Ernestine
- Erotes studio
- ERS G Studios
- Ertal Games
- Estelion
- Estúdio Vaca Roxa
- Estudios Kremlinois
- EternalShadow Studios
- Eternity Studios
- Ethereal Darkness Interactive
- Etranges Libellules Studios
- Eugen Systems
- Eugene Radaev
- Eugeny Butakov
- Eurocom
- Eutechnyx
- Evan Todd
- Evan Tognotti
- Evening Star
- Event Horizon
- Everglow Interactive
- Everglow Interactive Inc.
- Everlasting Fantasy
- Evermore Game Studios
- Eversim
- Every Single Soldier
- Everything Unlimited Ltd.
- Evgeny Osmet
- Evgeny Shcherbakov
- Evgiz
- Evil Indie Games
- Evil Mojo Games
- Evil Raptor
- Evil Tortilla Games
- Evil Twin Artworks
- EvilCoGames
- Evilized Productions
- EvilPort
- Evolutionary Games
- Ewoud van der Werf
- Ex Nihilo
- exagongames
- Exalted Guy Interactive
- EXAMU Inc.
- Exato Games Studio
- Excalibur
- Excalibur Publishing
- Excamedia
- exDream
- Exe Create
- Exe Create Inc.
- Execution Unit Ltd
- Exit 73 Studios
- Exkee
- Exor Studios
- Exordium Games
- exosyphen studios
- Expansive Worlds
- ExperaGameStudio
- Experience Inc.
- Experimental Gamer Studios
- Exploding Tuba Studios
- Extend Studio
- Extreme Developers
- Eyebrow Interactive
- Eyzi
- Ezekiel Rage
- Ezhaac Studio
- Ezzat Studios
- F-Secure
- Fabio Cunha
- Fabio Ferrara
- Fabraz
- Fabricated Reality Software
- Facepunch Studios
- Factor 5
- Factus Games
- Fading Club
- Failbetter Games
- Fair Games Studio
- Fair Play Labs
- Fair Weather Studios, LLC
- FAKT Software
- FAKT Software Gmbh
- Falco Software
- Falcon Development
- Falcoware
- Fallen Flag Studio
- Fallen Tree Games Ltd
- FallenMaster
- Falling Star Games
- Falling State
- FamishedMammal
- Fancy Bytes
- Fancy Bytes, Reactor
- Fancy Fish Games
- FantaBlade Network
- Far Mills
- Far Road Games
- Faravid Interactive
- Fardust
- Faris Mohammed
- Farjay.com
- Farlight Games Industry
- FarmerGnome
- FarrugiaSoft
- FarSight Studios
- Farsky Interactive
- fase3
- Fasold Games
- Fast Forward Games
- Fast Travel Games
- Faster Time Games Limited
- Fastline Simulation
- Fat Panda Games
- Fatbot Games, s. r. o.
- Faton
- Fatshark
- Fayju
- Fazan Games
- Fedor Votrin
- Fedora Collective
- Feelthere
- Felistella
- Felix Wunderlich
- Fenix Fire Entertainment
- Feperd Games
- Feral Interactive
- Feral Interactive (Linux)
- Feral Interactive (Mac)
- Fermenter Games
- Fernando Cordoba
- Fever Dream Gameworks
- Fictiorama Studios
- Fiddlesticks Games
- Fifth Dimension Company
- Filament Games
- Final Boss Entertainment
- Final Form Games
- Finalboss game studio
- FinalBoss Games
- Finalspark Gamestudios
- Fineway Studios
- Finish Line Games
- Finji
- FiolaSoft Studio
- Firaxis
- Firaxis Games
- Fire Face Corporation
- Fire Hose Games
- Fireaxis Games
- Fireballed Studio
- Firebase Industries Ltd.
- Fireblade Software
- Firebrand Games
- Firebrush Studios
- Firedance Games
- FireFly Studios
- FireForge Games
- Fireglow
- Firehawk Studios
- Fireline Games
- Fireplace Games
- Fireproof Games
- Firepunchd
- Firestorm Entertainment
- Firewalk Studios
- First Games Interactive
- Fishcow Studio
- Fishing Cactus
- Fishlabs Entertainment GmbH
- Five Archers Games
- Five Cubed
- Fiveamp
- Fixer Games
- Flagship Studios
- Flamebait Games
- Flaming Firefly
- Flaming Flamingo
- Flaming Fowl Studios
- flanne
- Flashback Games
- Flashbulb
- Flat Earth Games
- Flat Software
- FLAT12
- Flenx
- FlexileStudio
- Flippfly LLC
- FlipSwitch Games
- Flix Interactive
- Florastamine
- Florent Goumot-Labesse
- Flow Combine
- Flow Fire Games
- Flox Studios Ltd.
- Fluffy Kitten Studios
- Fluik Entertainment Inc
- Flump Studios
- Flux Games
- Fly System
- Flying Carpets Games
- Flying Helmet Games
- Flying Mollusk
- Flying Oak Games
- Flying Squirrel Entertainment
- Flying Wild Hog
- Flynns Arcade
- Fntastic
- FOAM Entertainment
- FobTi interactive
- FockaGames
- Focus Entertainment
- Focus Home Interactive
- Focus on Fun Games
- Foggybus
- Fool's Theory
- Foolish Mortals Games
- For Fun Labs
- For Kids
- Force Of Habit
- Forceight
- Forever Entertainment S. A.
- forever8pus
- Forge Reply
- Forge Reply srl
- Forgotten Empires
- Forgotten Empires LLC
- Forgotten Key
- Forthright Casual Games
- Forward Development, Ltd.
- Fossil Games
- Four Circle Interactive
- Four Quarters
- Four Winged Studio
- Four5Six Pixel
- Fourattic
- Fourexo Entertainment
- Foxy Voxel
- Fractal Box
- Fractal Phase
- Fragment Production Ltd
- Fragment Production Ltd.
- FragOut
- Francesco Trovato
- Fraoula
- FreakZone Games
- Fred Wood
- Free Games Info
- Free Lives
- Free Lives Games
- Free Range Games
- Free Reign Entertainment
- Free Time Farmers
- Freebird Games
- Freedom Factory
- Freegamer
- Freehold Games
- FreeMind S.A.
- Frechou Games
- French Bread
- Fresh3D
- Freshly Squeezed
- Frictional Games
- Friedemann
- Frima Studio
- Frisky Fatal Games
- Frismos
- Frogames
- Frogdice
- Frogmind
- Frogwares
- From Nothing Game Studios
- From Soy Sauce LLC
- From The Bard
- FromSoftware
- FromSoftware, Inc
- FromSoftware, Inc.
- Frontier
- Frontier Developments
- Frontwing
- Frost Earth Studio
- Frostcloud Studios
- Frozen District
- Frozen Orb
- Frozen Way
- Frozenbyte
- Frymore
- Fugazo
- Fugitive Games
- Full Control
- Full Control / WIT Entertainment
- Full Control ApS
- Full Control Studios
- Full Metal Jacket Games
- Fullbright
- FullHead Game
- Fully Illustrated
- Fumiko Game Studio
- Fummy
- Fun Bits Interactive
- FUN Creators
- Fun Infused Games
- Fun Labs
- Fun Punch Games
- Funatics Development
- Funatics Software
- Funcom
- Funday Games
- Fungameco Ltd
- Funktronic Labs
- Funky Logic Studios
- Funselektor Labs
- Funselektor Labs Inc.
- FunYoo Games
- Fury Software
- Fury Studios
- Fusionsphere Systems
- Fusty Game
- Future Games
- Futuremark
- Futuretown
- FutureVisionsGames
- FuturLab
- FYQD-Studio
- G Data
- G1 Playground
- G3 Community Patch Team
- G5 Software
- GabberGames.com
- Gabriel Interactive
- Gaddy Games
- Gadget Games
- Gaijin Entertainment
- Gaijin Games
- Galactic Cafe
- Galavalomka Games
- GalaxyTrail
- Galvanic Games
- Gamatic
- Gambrinous
- Game Cartel
- Game Dev Castle
- Game Developer X
- Game Distillery s.r.o.
- Game Era Studios
- Game Formatic
- Game Grumps
- Game in a Bottle
- Game Island
- Game Mechanics
- Game Science
- Game Swing
- Game-Labs
- GameArt Studio GmbH
- GameCask
- GameCoder Studios
- Gamecom Team
- GameConnect
- Gamecosm
- Gamecraft Studios
- GameCrafterTeam
- GameDevJeremy
- GameDevLab
- GameFormatic
- GameHouse
- GameChanger Studio
- GameIndica Entertainment
- GameLiberty
- GameMill Entertainment
- GameMunchers
- GameORE
- Gamephase
- Gamepires
- Gamepopper
- Gamera Games
- Gamera Interactive
- Gamerizon
- Gamers4Gamers Team
- GamersHype Productions
- Games by Malcs
- Games Distillery s.r.o.
- Games Faction
- Games Farm
- Games For Tutti
- Games Hut
- Games Incubator
- Games Up
- Games With Dragons In
- games.Sharbit
- Gamesare
- GameStar
- Gamestarters
- Gameware Studios
- Gamexy
- Gamieon
- Gaming Corps
- Gaming Corps AB
- Gaming Minds
- Gaming Minds Studios
- Gamious
- Gammosaur
- Ganbarion
- Garage 227
- Garden Knight Games
- Gardenfiend Games
- Gas Powered Games
- Gaslamp Games
- Gaslamp Games, Inc.
- Gato Salvaje S.L.
- Gausswerks
- Gavin Powell
- Gawkfish Studios
- GB Patch Games
- GDNomad
- Gearbox Software
- Gears for Breakfast
- Geek Sloth Games
- Geeta Games
- GeexGames
- General Arcade
- Generic Game Studios LLC
- Genetix Studio
- Geniaware Srl
- Gentle Ghouls
- Gentleman Squid Studio
- Gentlymad
- Gentlymad Studios
- Geoff "Zag" Keene
- George Neguceanu
- Get Up Games
- GexagonVR
- GFI Russia
- Ghost Clusters
- Ghost Crab Games
- Ghost Games
- Ghost Machine
- Ghost Ship Games
- Ghost Town Games
- Ghost Town Games Ltd.
- Ghostly Horizon Dev
- GhostShark
- Giant Army
- Giant Box Games
- Giant Enemy Labs
- Giant Sparrow
- Giant Squid
- Giants
- Giants Software
- Gigatross Games
- Giorgi Abelashvili
- GKT Studios Entertainment
- Gl33k
- Glass Bottom Games
- Glass Knuckle Games
- Glass of Water Studios
- Glitchy Pixel
- globalsoccermanager
- Gloomywood
- Glossware Games
- Glow Games Studio
- Glowfish Interactive
- Glowforth
- GlyphX Games
- gnifrebel Games UG
- Gnomic Studios
- Go Dark Studios
- Go Fight Fantastic!
- Goblinz
- Goblinz Studio
- GodSpeed Games
- GoeX GameS
- Gogii
- GOGII Games
- GoingForwardTeam
- Gojira
- Golden Gear Games
- Golden Ruby Games
- Goldhawk Interactive
- GolemLabs
- Golgoth Studio
- GoManga Interactive
- Gone North Games
- Good Catch Games
- Good Day Games
- Good Morning, Commander
- GoodbyeWorld Games
- GooDCrafter
- Goodgame Studios
- GoodVole
- goonswarm
- Gordon Little
- GorePixelGames
- Grab Games
- GrabTheGames Studios
- Graceful Decay
- Graffiti
- grapefrukt games
- Graphite Lab
- Graphium Studio
- Grasshopper Manufacture
- Graveck
- Graviteam
- Gray Matter Studios
- Grayson Malinowski
- Great Cogs
- GreatherGames
- Green Lava Studios
- Green Sauce Games
- Green127
- Greenheart Games
- Greenolor Studio
- GreenThumbStudios
- Gremlin Interactive
- Grenaa Games
- GrendelGames
- Grey Alien Games
- Grey Dog Software
- Grey Havens
- Grey Wolf Entertainment
- GreyLight Entertainment
- Gridlock Interactive
- Gridpop
- Grimlore Games
- Grimm Bros, LLC
- Grimnir
- Grimwood Team
- Grinding Gear Games
- GRIP Digital s.r.o.
- Grip Games
- Griptonite Games
- GrisGris
- Grizlikyt
- Grizzly Wolf Games LLC
- Gromada Inc.
- Groove Box Japan
- Ground Control Studios
- Ground Shatter
- Ground Shatter Ltd.
- Grumpy Owl Games
- Grundislav Games
- Grynsoft
- Grzegorz Slazinski
- GS2 Games
- GSC Game World
- GSQ Games
- GTE Entertainment
- gtscom
- Guard Crush Games
- Guerilla Tea Games
- Guerrilla
- Guerrilla Bandit
- Guerrilla Games
- GuGames Development
- Gun Media
- Gunfire Games
- Gunnar Games
- Gunnar Games, Inc.
- Gunpowder Games, LLC
- Guru Games
- Gust
- GUTS Department
- Guy Godin
- Guys From Andromeda LLC
- Gwyn Games
- GZ Storm
- h.a.n.d. Inc.
- HA Studio ltd.
- Haemimont Games
- Haggard Games
- Hailstone Games
- Hailstorm Games
- HakJak Productions
- Halberd Studios
- Half Mermaid
- Halfbrick Studios Pty Ltd
- Halfbus
- Halissoni
- Halycon Media
- Halycon Media GmbH & Co. KG
- Hammer Games
- Hammer Labs
- Hammer&Ravens
- Hammerfall Publishing
- Hammerware, s.r.o.
- Hamstercube
- Hamsters Gaming
- Hanabira
- Hanako Games
- Handelabra Games Inc.
- HandMade Game
- HandyGames
- Handyman Studios
- Hangar 13
- hangry owl games
- Hannibal Stuff
- Hapa Games
- Happy Artist
- Happy Artist Games
- Happy Badger Studio
- Happy Juice Games
- Happy Polygon
- Happy Square Productions
- Happy Tuesday
- Harbinger Beard
- Hardball Games
- Harebrained Schemes
- Hariharan S
- Harley Game Studios
- Harmonix Music Systems, Inc
- Harmonize Studios
- Harotobira
- Haruneko Entertainment
- Harvester Games
- Hashbang Games
- Hassey Enterprises, Inc.
- Hatchlight
- Hato Moa
- Hawken Entertainment, Inc.
- Haydee Interactive
- Hazardous Software Inc.
- Hazelight Studios
- HB Studios
- HCP Games
- Headbang Games
- Headfirst Productions
- Headroom.one
- Headshot Labs
- Headup Games
- Headup Games / Crenetic
- Headup Games / Radon Labs
- Heart Machine
- Heart Shaped Games LLC
- HeartBeat Plus
- Heartbit Interactive
- Heartomics
- HeatPot Games
- Heaven Brotherhood
- Heaviside Creations
- Hekate
- Hell Squirrel Games
- Hello Games
- Hello There AB
- Helmi Games
- Heluo Studio
- Hemisphere Games
- Her Interactive
- Hermes Interactive
- Hermitworks Entertainment
- Hernán Smicht
- Hero Blocks ApS
- Hero Concept
- Herobeat Studios
- HeroCraft
- HeroCraft Krasnodar
- Heroes Productions
- HeroСraft
- Herrero Games
- Heuristic Park
- HeX
- Hex Keep
- Hexage
- Hexecutable
- HexWar Games
- Hi-Rez Studios
- Hidden Nature Design
- Hidden Path Entertainment
- Hidden Tower Studios
- Hidden Variable Studios
- High and Wide
- High Horse Entertainment
- High Impact Games
- High Moon Studios
- High North Studios AS
- High Tale Studios
- High Voltage Software
- Highcastle Studios
- Hikergames
- Himalaya Studios
- Hinterland Studio Inc.
- Hip Soft
- Hipix Studio
- HiRabbit
- Hitbear Studio
- Hitbox Team
- Hitcents
- HLA team
- Hobbisoft
- Holden Boyles
- Holgersson Entertainment
- Hollow Ponds
- Holospark
- Holotech Studios
- Holotna
- Holy Cow Production
- Holy Warp
- Homa Design
- Home Net Games
- Homegrown Games
- Homiebear Studio
- Homo Ludens
- HON Team
- Honey Parade Games
- Honeyslug
- HongShou Studio
- Honor Code, Inc.
- Hooligans Entertainment
- Hop Frog
- HopFrog
- Hoplite Research LLC
- Hopoo Games
- Hopoo Games, LLC
- Hörberg Productions
- Horgee Games
- Hot Cross Games
- Hot Lava
- Hot Lava Games
- Hothead Games
- Hothouse Creations Ltd
- House of Tales
- House On Fire
- Household Games Inc.
- Housemarque
- Hovgaard Games
- Howling Moon Software
- HR Innoways
- https://www.toxicbrain.eu
- HuanMos Game
- HuaYiGame
- hubiao
- Hucast Games
- Huge Calf Studios
- HugePixel
- Human Head Studios
- Humanature Studios
- Humble Hearts LLC
- Humongous Entertainment
- Hungry Couch Games
- Hunchback Studio
- HuniePot
- Hunted Cow Studios
- Hunter Hamster Studio
- Hunter Studio
- HUSH Interactive
- Huu Games
- Huy Phan
- Hybriona Labs
- Hyde Games
- Hyde,Inc.
- Hydra Interactive
- Hyeson
- Hyper Hippo Games
- HyperBerry Games
- Hypercane Studios
- HyperReuts
- Hypersect
- Hyperstrange
- Hypnotic Ants
- Chadrick Evans
- Chainsaw Syndicate
- Chainsawesome Games
- ChAIR Entertainment
- ChAIR Entertainment Group
- Chance Agency
- Chandler Rounsley
- Chaos Concept
- Chaos Industries
- Chaosoft Games
- Charge Games
- Charlie's Games
- CharlieH
- Charyb Games
- Charybdis Ltd
- Chasing Carrots
- Checkmark Games
- Cheesecake Dev
- Chengdu Wooway Technologies Co., Ltd
- Chequered Ink Ltd.
- Cherry Pop Games
- Chessbase
- Chibig
- Chicken in The Corn
- Chicken Launcher
- Chicken Waffle
- chickeninthecornstudio
- Childish Things
- ChillFun
- ChillyRoom
- Chimera Entertainment
- Chocolate Liberation Front
- Choice of Games
- Choice Provisions
- Chorus Worldwide
- Chris Chung
- Chris Johnson
- Chris McFarland
- Chris Parsons
- Chris Sawyer
- Chris Sawyer Productions
- Christ Laurenz Sambrano
- Christian Rolle
- Christian Whitehead
- Chromatic Dream
- Chronic Logic
- Chronicle Bench
- Chronicle Games
- Chucklefish
- Chudo-Yudo Games
- Chuhai Labs
- Chunkybox Games
- Chupacabra Game Studios
- I Fight Bears
- I Sioux Game Productions B.V.
- I-deal Games
- I-Illusions
- i273 LLC
- Ian Campbell
- Ian Fitz
- Ian Isaro
- Ian Snyder
- Ian Williams
- Ibrahim Indra Baskara
- Icarus Games
- Ice and Fire Isle Studio
- Ice Code Games
- Ice Flames
- Ice Water Games
- Ice-pick Lodge
- Iceflake Studios
- IceGames Studios
- Icehole Games
- Icetesy SPRL
- iconical Ltd.
- Iconik
- Icy Flames
- Icy Studios
- id Software
- Idea Cabin
- Idea Factory
- Ideas Pad
- Ideographer
- Idigicon
- Idol FX
- IdunaSoft
- iEntertainment Network Inc
- IF Games
- iFun4all S.A.
- Ignatus Zuk and Gonzalo Villagomez
- Igor Rashkuev
- Igrodelsky
- Iguana Entertainment
- IguanaBee
- Ilja Saburov
- IllFonic
- illuCalab
- Illuminated Games
- Illusion Softworks
- IllusoryWorldEntertainment
- Illwinter Game Design
- Ilusis Interactive Graphics
- Ilya Gubin
- Image & Form
- Image Power
- Image Space Incorporated
- Imagimotion
- imaginarylab
- ImaginationOverflow
- Imagine Software
- iMaxGen
- ImCyan
- immersionFX
- Immersive VR Education Ltd.
- Immortal Game Studio
- Immunity Studios
- Impetus Games
- Impressions Games
- Impromptu Games
- Inaccurate Interactive
- inbetweengames
- Incandescent Imaging
- Incinerator Studios
- Inclusion Studios
- Incodra
- increpare games
- IndeePop
- Indefatigable
- Independent Arts Software
- Indie Game Group
- Indie Games Studio
- indie_games_studio
- Indiecode Games
- IndieGala
- IndieLip
- IndieMax
- indienova
- Indievision
- Indimo Labs LLC
- Individual Software Inc.
- Indomitus Games
- Industry Games
- Indy Lion Studios
- Infamous Quests
- Inferno Studio
- Infinigon
- Infinitap Games
- Infinite Fall
- Infinite Interactive
- Infinite Loop Games
- Infinity Ape Studio
- Infinity Plus 2
- Infinity Ward
- Infogames Europe SA
- Infogrames
- Infogrames Europe
- InImages
- Ink Stains Games
- iNK Stories
- inkle
- inkle Ltd
- Inmatrix LTD
- Inner Circle Creations
- inner seas
- Inner Void
- Innerfire Studios
- Innersloth
- Innocent Grey
- Innuendo Squad Studios
- Ino-Co
- Ino-Co Plus
- Insane Dreamers
- Insanity Games
- InsGames
- Insomniac Games
- Instant Kingdom
- InterAction studios
- Interactive Fate
- Interama - Interactive Technology
- Interbellum team
- Interceptor Entertainment
- Interdimensional Games Inc
- Internal Games
- International Games System, Co., LTD.
- InterOne Inc.
- Interplay Entertainment Corp.
- Interplay Inc.
- InterStudio
- InterWave Studios
- Inti Creates
- intiny
- Intragames
- Intravenous Software
- Intropy Games
- Introversion Software
- Invader Studios
- inVantage Technologies
- Invent4 Entertainment
- Invent4 Entretenimento
- Inventive Dingo
- Inverge Studios
- InvertMouse
- Investigate North
- Invictus Games Ltd.
- Invisible Collective
- inXile Entertainment
- IO Interactive
- IO Interactive A/S
- IObit
- iolo
- Ion Storm
- Ionel Zeveleanu
- IonFX
- Ionising Software
- Ionized Games
- iosoftware
- IR Studio
- Iridescent Games
- Iridium Studios
- Irisloft
- IriySoft
- Iron Galaxy
- Iron Galaxy Studios
- Iron Galaxy Studios, LLC
- Iron Gate Studio
- Iron Gate Studios
- Iron Lore Entertainment
- Iron Tower Studio
- Ironbird Creations
- IronBoundManzer
- Ironclad Games
- Ironcode Gaming
- IronDrop Studios
- Ironhide Game Studio
- IronOak Games
- Ironsun Studios
- Ironward
- Irrational Games
- Ish Games
- Ishtar Games
- Isotope 244
- isTom Games Kft.
- it Matters Games
- Italic Pig
- Iteration 11
- Ithiro Sumi
- Ivan Pestrikov
- Ivan Zanotti's MyMadness Works
- Ivanovich Games
- Ivory Tower
- Ivory Tower in collaboration with Ubisoft Reflections
- iVRstudio
- Ivy Games
- ixtl
- IZI Games
- Izyplay Game Studio
- J.Bowman
- Jace Masula
- Jack Dolabany
- Jackbox Games, Inc.
- jacktostudios
- Jacob Dzwinel
- Jacob Janerka
- Jae Lee
- Jae Lee Productions
- Jagex Limited
- Jajaben Games
- Jake Huhman
- Jake Olson
- JAM Productions
- James de Silva
- James Oliver
- Jamit Games
- Jampacked Games
- Jan Zelený
- Jan Zizka
- Jane Rachel Whittaker
- Jaryd Brad Spann
- Jason Hein
- Jason Perry
- Jasper Byrne
- JaudaLabs
- Jaywalkers Interactive
- JB Gaming Inc.
- JDM4iK
- JDM4iK Games
- JE Software
- Jeffrey Nordin
- JellySnow Studio
- jemchicomac
- Jenito
- Jeroen van Oosten
- Jeroen Wimmers
- Jerome Bodin
- Jerseyware Gaming
- Jesse Gallagher
- Jesse Makkonen
- JetCat Games
- Jetdogs Studios
- JForce Games
- JH12world
- Jiaquarium
- Jim Cook
- Jimbob Games
- JIW-Games
- JMJ Interactive
- Joakim Sandberg
- Joe Richardson
- Joel Corelitz
- Johan Grönvall
- John Carline
- John Cullen
- John Kolbek
- John McCann
- John Szymanski
- John Wizard
- Jochen Mistiaen
- Jochen Terstiege
- Joindots
- Jollypunch Games
- Jon Harwood Creations LLC
- Jonas Kyratzes
- Jonathan BRASSAUD
- Jonathan Mulcahy
- Jonathan Tindell
- Jongwoo Kim
- Jonni Hirst
- Jordan Sendar
- Jorge Giner Cordero
- Joseph Gribbin
- Joshua Hughes
- Joshua Keith
- Joshua Neurnberger
- JosPlays
- Jötunn Games
- Joure Visser
- Jovian Industries
- JoWooD
- JoWooD Vienna
- JoyBits Ltd.
- JoyFun Game
- Joygo.Studio
- JoyMasher
- Jugilus
- Juho Kastemaa
- Juicy Beast
- Jujubee S.A.
- Julia Games
- Julian Edison
- Julian Glander
- Julian Laufer
- jumpsuit entertainment UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- Junction Point
- Jundroo, LLC
- JungleTac
- Juri Schupilo
- Just Add Water (Developments), Ltd.
- Just Funny Games
- Just1337 Studio
- Jutsu Games
- Juvty Worlds Ltd.
- JW, Kitty, Jukio, and Dom
- K Bros Games
- K-D Lab
- KaeruPanda
- Kaia Studios
- Kaiko
- Kajak Games
- KaleidoGames
- Kalopsia Games
- Kamina Dimension
- Kaneda Games
- Kaos Studios
- Kardfy Studios
- Karl Binder
- Kasaa Solution
- Kaspersky
- Katakura Hibiki
- Katapult
- Katauri
- Katauri Interactive
- Kayabros
- Kazakov Oleg
- KDV Games
- KeelWorks
- Keen Games
- Keen Software House
- keggame
- Kenny Sun
- Keplerians
- Kerberos Productions
- Kerberos Productions Inc.
- Kerim Kumbasar
- Kev Jackson
- Kevin Jess Horton
- Kevin Nitschmann
- Kevin Nitschmann/Darius Bode
- Kevin Nitschmann/Philip Zunk
- Key17 Games
- Keybol
- Keys of Nine Entertainment
- Khayalan Arts
- KHB-Soft
- Kheops Studio
- kChamp Games
- Kid Onion Studio
- Kidalang
- Kids up hill
- Kieffer Bros.
- Kiemura Ltd
- Killer Bees Games
- Killer Lobster
- Killer Teapot Games
- Killerfish Games
- KillHouse Games
- Killmonday Games AB
- Killmonday Games HB
- Killspace Entertainment
- Kilted Camel
- Kimeric Labs
- Kindermann Corp.
- Kindly Beast
- Kindred Games
- Kinelco & Lone Elk Creative
- KING Art
- KING Art Games
- Kingdom Games
- KinifiGames LLC
- KintoGames
- Kirill Kupryakhin
- Kiro'o Games
- KirUn
- Kisareth Studios
- KishMish
- KishMish Games
- KISS ltd
- Kite Games
- Kitfox Games
- Kitsune Games
- Kittehface Software
- Kitty Calis
- Kitty Lambda Games Inc.
- Kivano
- KK Game Studio
- Klabater
- Klei Entertainment
- klobit LLC
- Klonk Games
- Kloonigames
- Knight Owl Games
- Knitted Pixels
- KnowWonder
- Knuckle Cracker
- Knuist & Perzik
- Koalabs
- Koalabs Games
- Kobra Studio
- Kodots Games
- Koei Tecmo
- Koei Tecmo Games
- Koch Media
- Kojima Productions
- Kokakiki
- Komar Games
- Konami
- Konami Computer Entertainment Japan
- Konami Digital Entertainment
- Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.
- Konsordo
- Konstantin Koshutin
- Konstructors
- Kopnin Pavel
- Koreez
- Kormishenkov Anton
- Kot in Action Creative Artel
- KoukouStudios
- KovaaK Games
- Kowai Sugio Studios
- Koya Game
- Koyotis Studio
- KPy3O
- KR Games
- Kraken Empire
- KranX Productions
- Krealit
- Kremlingames
- Krillbite Studio
- Kristjan Skutta
- Krome Studios
- Krystian Majewski
- KT Racing
- KTX Software
- Kubat Software
- Kucing Rembes
- Kudosoft
- kuklam studios
- Kukouri
- Kumobius
- Kuno Interactive
- Kunos Simulazioni
- kunst-stoff GmbH
- Kurechii
- Kurisu no Patto
- Kuro Irodoru Yomiji
- Kursed Studios
- Kyle Ballentine
- Kyle Pulver
- Kyle Seeley
- Kyle Thompson
- Kylotonn
- Kylotonn Entertainment
- Kylotonn Games
- Kylotonn Racing Games
- Kyrylo Kuzyk
- Kyy Games
- L3O Interactive
- La Moutarde
- Lab Zero Games
- LAB132
- Labory
- LABS Games
- Labyrinthine
- Lagun Victor
- Lached Up Games
- lalalaZero
- Lamina Studios
- Laminar Research
- Lamplight Studios
- Lancarse
- Landfall
- Landon Podbielski
- Lantana Games
- Lantern Studio
- Lapovich Games
- Large Visible Machine
- Larian Studios
- Laser Dog
- Laser Dog Games
- Laser Guided Games
- Lasmelan
- Lasso Games, LLC
- Last Dimension
- Last Level
- Last Life Games
- Last Limb LLC
- Last Lotus
- Latinas Tomatos
- Laudo Games
- Laughing Jackal LTD
- Laura Shigihara
- Laush Dmitriy Sergeevich
- Lavaboots Studios
- Lawra Suits Clark
- Lawrence Russell
- Lazerpants Studios LLC
- Lazy 8 Studios
- Lazy Bear Games
- Lazylab Games
- LB
- LCB Game Studio
- LDC Studios
- Le Cartel Studio
- Le Cortex
- Leadwerks Software
- Leafy Games
- League of Geeks
- LEAP Game Studios
- Leatherneck Simulations
- Lee Sang
- Legend Entertainment
- Legend Studio
- LeGrudge & Rugged
- Leikir Studio
- Lemonbomb Entertainment
- Lemondo Entertainment
- Lemondo Games
- Leo B
- Les Crafteurs
- Leslaw Sliwko
- Leslie Valverde
- Lesta Studio
- Lesta Studios Inc
- Letmeowt Games
- Level Up Labs, LLC
- Level-5
- Levels or Lives
- LEVER Software
- Lewis Fitzjohn
- Lexip Games
- Lexis Numérique
- LGK Games
- Liam Hughes
- Liar-soft
- Liber Primus Games
- Lienzo
- Life Jumb DT
- LIGA Facens
- Light Road Games
- Light Step Games
- Lightbulb Crew
- Lighthouse Games Studio
- Lightmare Studio
- Lightning Man Media
- Lightning Rock
- Lightsoutgames
- lightUP
- Limasse Five
- Limbic Entertainment
- Limbic Entertainment GmhH
- Limed
- Liminal Games
- Limsod Games
- Lince Works
- Linked Dimensions
- LinkSolutions Ltd.
- Lino Slahuschek
- LInsoDeTeh
- Lion Game Lion
- Lion Shield, LLC
- Lion's Shade
- Lionhead Studios
- Lionshield Studios
- Liquid Entertainment
- Liquid Flower
- LiterallyEveryone Games
- Little Bat Games
- Little Big MMO
- Little Cat Feet
- Little Freedom Factory
- Little Green Men Games
- Little Chicken Game Company B.V.
- Little World Studio
- Little Worlds Interactive
- Live Aliens
- Live Motion Games
- LivinThing Studio
- Liz-Arts
- Lizard Factory
- Lizardcube
- Lizardry
- Lled Games
- Lo-Fi Games
- Load Inc
- Locomalito
- Log Games
- Logan McClure
- Logic Artists
- Logic Droid
- Logvinenko Alexandr
- Loiste Interactive
- Lone Hero Studios
- Lonely Troops
- LonePlanetStudios
- Long Hat House
- Long Jaunt
- Longbow Games
- Longshot Studios LLC
- LookAtMyGame
- Looking Glass Studios
- Loomus Games
- Looterkings
- Lord Bytesworth
- Loren Lemcke
- Lorenzo Bellincampi
- Lorenzo Games
- Lorenzo Redaelli
- Lost Astronaut Studios
- Lost Decade Games
- Lost Goblin
- Lost Mountain
- Lost Pilgrims Studio
- Lost Spell
- Lost The Game Studios
- Lostwood
- Love Conquers All Games
- Love in Space
- Lovely Games
- LRDGames, Inc.
- Luandun Games Pte. Ltd.
- Lubiterum
- Luc Bernard
- Luca Galante
- Lucas Molina
- Lucas Pope
- LucasArts
- Lucasfim
- Lucid Dreams Studio
- Lucid Ferret
- Lucid Games
- Lucky Brograms
- Lucky Frame
- Lucky Pause
- LUCKYHAMMERS Entertainment Inc.
- Luden.io
- Ludeon Studios
- Ludo Land
- Ludochip
- Ludomo Gamestudio
- Ludomotion
- Ludosity
- Ludus Studio
- LuGus Studios
- LuisCo
- Lukas Navratil
- Luke Dodds
- Luke Godfrey
- Lukewarm Media
- Lumenox ehf
- Luminark
- Luminawesome Games
- Luminous Productions
- Lunagames
- Lunar Collapse
- Lunar Giant
- Lunar roster
- Lunarch Studios
- Lunisky studio
- Lupan Artiom Oleg
- Lupiesoft
- Lupus Studios Limited
- LusionSoft
- LVGameDev LLC
- M. Hanka
- M.BonKov
- m07games
- M2 Co.,LTD
- M2H
- M7 Productions
- ma_mutte
- Maccima Games
- Maciej Targoni
- Mad Capacity
- Mad Fellows
- Mad Head Games
- Mad Hunter Studio
- Mad Mimic Interactive
- Mad Orange
- Mad Otter Games
- Mad Ram Software
- Mad Unicorn Games
- MAD Virtual Reality Studio
- maddma
- Maddox Games
- MadGearGames
- Madlab Software
- Madmind Studio
- Madruga Works
- Maelstrom Rabbit
- Magenta Factory
- MAGES. Inc.
- Magic Dungeon Studio
- Magic Notion
- Magic Pockets
- Magic Sandbox
- Magic VR
- MagicalTimeBean
- MagicIndie
- Magiko Gaming
- MAGIX Software GmbH
- Mahhaon
- Machete Games LLC
- Machine 22
- Machine Games
- Machine1357
- MachineGames
- Machines in Motion
- MaidsWithGuns
- Mainframe Industries
- Major Games
- Makivision Games
- Malfador Machinations
- Maltakreuz
- Malwarebytes Anti Malware
- Mana Games
- Mana Potion Studios
- Manalith Studios
- ManaVoid Entertainment
- ManaVoid Entertainment Inc.
- Mando productions
- Mandragora
- Mane6, Inc.
- Mangledmaw Games
- Mango Protocol
- Manic Game Studios
- Manifesto Game Studio
- Mantis Games
- Manyland
- Maple Powered Games
- Marauder Interactive, LLC
- Marcelo Barbosa
- Marco Amadei
- Marcos Arroyo
- Marginal act
- Marie Ronnaux Games
- Marina Kittaka
- Mario von Rickenbach
- Maris Ozols
- Mark Golden
- Mark Chong
- Mark Schramm
- Marker
- Markov Denis Stanislavovich
- Marmalade Game Studio
- Marsbound
- Mårten Jonsson
- Martin Cerdeira
- Martin Ivanov
- Marvelous
- Marvelous Entertainment
- Marvelous Inc.
- Marvelous, Inc.
- Maschinen-Mensch
- Mason Lindroth
- Mass Creation
- Mass Media Inc
- Mass Media Interactive Entertainment
- Massive Damage, Inc.
- Massive Entertainment
- Massive Miniteam
- Massive Monster
- Mastfire Studios Pty Ltd
- Masthead Studios
- Masthead Studios Ltd
- Mastiff
- Mateusz Skutnik
- Math Tide
- Mathias
- Matrix Games
- Matrix Software
- Matt Crux
- Matt Dabrowski
- Matt Grimm
- Matt Hooper
- Matt Makes Games Inc.
- Matt Roszak
- Matt Thorson
- Matthew Brown
- Matthew Coyle
- Matthew Ritter
- MatthiasMa
- Mattrified Games
- Mauro Vos
- Maus Software
- Maverick Games
- Max
- Max design gesmbh
- Max Inferno
- Maxim Karpenko
- Maxim Moore
- Maximum Games
- Maxis
- Maxis Software
- Maxis™
- MaxMedia
- Maxwolf
- Mayhem Games USA
- Mayni prod.
- Maze Theory
- Mazen Games
- MC2
- mc2games
- McAfee
- McMagic Productions
- mebius
- mecagames
- Med-Art
- MediaAtlas
- MediaSpark
- Mediatonic
- Mega Boss Game Studio
- Mega Cat Studios
- Mega Crit Games
- Mega Dwarf Inc.
- Megadev
- MegaFun Games Ltd.
- Megaglope Studios
- Megagon Industries
- Megastorm Games
- MegaWobble
- Mechanical Monocle
- MechEvol
- Mekworx
- Melbot Studio
- Melbot Studios
- Melos Han-Tani
- Meltdown Interactive Media
- Memetic Games
- Mercenary Technologies
- MercurySteam
- MercurySteam - Climax Studios
- MercuryStudio
- Meridian'93
- Meridian4
- Meridiem Games
- Merixgames
- Merlin Beer
- mesetts
- Messhof
- Metagar
- MetalBear
- Metalhead Software
- Metalhead Software Inc.
- Metamorf
- Metamorphosis Games
- Metanet Software Inc.
- Meteor Shock
- Meteorise
- Metric Empire
- Metricminds
- Metropolis
- Mgaia Studio
- MGP Studios
- Mi-Clos Studio
- Micro Factory Games
- Micro Forté
- Micro Strategic Game Design
- Microbird
- Microblast Games
- Microids
- Microïds Canada
- Microlith Games
- Microprose
- MicroProse Software, Inc
- MicroProse Software, Inc.
- Microsoft
- Microsoft Game Studios
- MidBoss
- MidBoss, LLC.
- Midgar Studio
- Midian Design
- Midnight Games EIRL
- Midnight Hub
- Midnight Party
- Midway Games
- Midway Studios San Diego
- Miga
- Might and Delight
- Mighty Cat
- Mighty Pebble Games Inc
- Mighty Polygon
- Mighty Rabbit Studios
- Mighty Rocket Studio
- Mighty Yell
- Migo Games
- Mihai Morosanu
- Mihan0id
- Mihanikus Games
- Michael Lückgen
- Michael Pelletier
- Michael Swan
- Michael Todd Games
- MichaelArts
- Michal Pawlowski
- Mike Klubnika
- Mike Wiering
- Mikhail Melnikov
- Mikori Games
- Milestone
- Milestone S.r.l.
- Milkstone Studios
- Milky Tea Studios
- Mimimi Games
- Mimimi Productions
- Minakata Dynamics
- Mind Crew
- Mind Leak
- Mind Over Matter Studios
- Mindfield Games
- Mindillusion
- MindShaft Games, LLC
- Mindware Co.,Ltd.
- Mindware Studios
- Mine Loader Software Co., Ltd.
- Mini Fun Games
- Mini IT
- MiniBoss
- Minicore Studios
- Minimol Games
- Ministry of Broadcast
- MiniVisions
- MinMax Games Ltd.
- Minor Key Games
- minori
- Minority Media Inc.
- Minskworks
- Mint Age Studios
- Mirage Interactive
- Mirari&Co
- Mirball Games
- Mirillis
- Mirko Seithe
- Mirum Studio
- Misc Games
- Misc Games AS
- Misfits Attic
- Mission Critical Studios
- Mister Morris Games
- Mistwalker
- Mithis Games
- Mitorah Games
- Mixed Realms Pte Ltd
- Mixel
- Mo Xiangru ( 墨香如故 )
- MoaCube
- MobileBits
- Mobirate
- Mobius Digital
- Mobo Studio
- Mobot Studios, Inc
- Mode 7
- Mode4
- Modern Dream
- Modern Storyteller
- Modus Studio Brasil
- Moebiusgames
- Moenovel
- Möf Selvi
- Mohammed Qasrawi
- Mohawk Games
- Mojang
- Mojang Studios
- Mojiken Studio
- Mojo Bones
- Mokomoto
- MokyuSoft
- Molegato
- Moleworks
- Moloch Media
- Momentum Digital Media Technologies
- Mommy's Best Games
- Monkey Stories
- Monochrome, Inc
- Monolith
- Monolith Productions
- Monolith Productions, Inc.
- Monomi Park
- Monstars Inc.
- Monster Couch
- Monster Games
- Monster VR
- Monstrum
- Monte Cristo
- Moon Studios
- Moon Studios GmbH
- Moon Tales
- Moonana
- Moonbite Games
- Mooncube Games
- Moonlight Games
- Moonlight Mouse
- Moonlite Software
- Moonradish
- Moonradish Inc.
- Moonray Studios
- Moonrise Interactive
- Moonshark, Inc.
- Moonshine Studios
- Moonshot Games
- Mopeful Games
- Moppin
- Moran Rod
- Morgondag
- Morningstar Game Studio
- morojenoe's empire
- Mortis Games
- Moss Co., Ltd.
- Mossmouth, LLC
- Most Wanted Entertainment
- Mostly Harmless Games
- Mostly Tigerproof
- Mothership Entertainment LLC
- Motion Twin
- Motive Studios
- Mouldy Toof Studios
- Mountain King Studios
- Mountains
- Mousechief
- Moving Player
- Mozg Labs
- MPS Labs
- Mr Alpaca Games
- Mr Nutz Studio
- MR-Software GbR
- Mr. Podunkian
- MrCiastku
- MrSandman
- MT Worlds
- MuHa Games
- Mumbo Jumbo
- MumboJumbo
- Mundfish
- MURA Interactive
- Murray Atkinson
- Murudai
- Muse Games
- Mutant Games
- Muteki
- Muzintou
- Muzzy Lane
- Muzzy Lane Software
- My Dog Zorro
- My Next Games
- MyDearest
- Mykhail Konokh
- MyMadnessWorks
- Myrtilus Entertainment
- Mystic Box
- Mystic Games
- Mystik'Art
- Mythical City Games
- MythicOwl
- MZone Studio
- N-Fusion Interactive
- N-Game Studios
- N-Gon Entertainment
- N3V Games
- N94Games
- Naarassusi Game
- Nadeo
- Nacho Games
- Naked Sky Entertainment
- Namra Games
- Nanali Studios
- Nano Games
- Nano Games sp. z o.o.
- nanos GbR
- Nao Games
- Napoleon Games
- Napoleon Games, s.r.o.
- Naps Team
- Narayan Games
- Nate Schmold
- Nathan Archer
- Nathan Meunier
- Nathan Rowe
- Naughty Dog
- Nauris Amatnieks
- Nawia Games
- Nazca Corporation
- NCE Software Games
- Ndemic Creations
- nDreams
- nDreams / Near Light
- Nearga
- Nebula Interactive
- Neckbolt
- Necrophone Games
- NedoStudio
- NEKCOM Entertainment
- Neko Entertainment
- neko.works
- Nekomura Games
- Nekrosoft
- Nela System
- Nemesys Games
- Nemoria Entertainment
- NeocoreGames
- Neon Deity Games
- Neon Giant
- Neonchimp Games
- NeoNight
- Neopica
- Neox Studios
- Nerd Monkeys®
- Nerdook Productions
- Nerial
- Nerve Singer Inc.
- Nerve Software, Gearbox Software, LLC
- Nerve Software, LLC
- Netcore Games
- NetEase Games
- NetherRealm Studios
- Netmin Games
- Neuron Games
- Neuronality
- Neutron Games
- Neutron Games GmbH
- Neutron Star Studio
- Never Don't Play
- New Bridge Games
- New Life Interactive, LLC
- New Reality Games
- New Star Games
- New World Computing
- New World Interactive
- Newcore Games
- NewWestGames
- Nexile
- Next Stage Inc.
- nextReality Games
- Nexus Game Studios
- Nezon Production
- nFusion Interactive
- NGD Studios
- Nhat Nguyen
- Nicalis, Inc.
- niceplay games
- Nick Howard
- Nick Shesterin
- Nickervision Studios
- Nicolas Bernard
- Nicolas Pierre-Loti-Viaud
- Niels Bauer Games
- Nifflas Games
- Nifflas' Games
- Niffler Ltd.
- Night Light Interactive
- Night Node
- Night Node Software
- Night School Studio
- Nightdive Studios
- Nighthouse Games
- Nightly Studios
- Nihilistic Software
- Nihon Falcom
- Nicholas Rizzo
- Nik Nak Studios
- Nikhil T
- Nikhil Tailor
- Nikita
- Nikita "Ghost_RUS"
- Nikita Nefedov
- Nikola Kostic
- Nimble Tools
- Nimbly Games
- Nimbus Games
- Ninai Games
- Nine Dots Studio
- Nine Tales Digital
- Ninja Kiwi
- Ninja Robot Dinosaur
- Ninja Theory
- Ninja Whale Studios
- NinjaISV
- Nintendo
- Nintendo EPD
- Nintendo eShop
- Nintendo Software Technology
- Nippon Ichi Software
- Nippon Ichi Software, Inc.
- Nitreal
- Nitro Games
- Nitroplus
- Nival
- Nival Interactive
- nkm
- NLB project
- No Brakes Games
- No Bull Intentions
- No Ceiling Games
- No Code
- No Goblin
- No Matter Studios
- No Pest Productions
- No Serious Games
- No-Brain Studio
- Noble Muffins
- nobodyshot
- NoClip
- Nocturnal works
- Nodamex
- Nodbrim Interactive
- Noetic
- Noio
- Nolla Games
- Nomad Games
- Nomad Games Limited
- Nomada Studio
- NonFictional Games
- Nordic Trolls
- Norn / Miel
- nornware AB
- Norse
- Norsfell
- North of Earth
- Northplay
- Northway Games
- NortonLifeLock
- Norven Games
- Nosebleed Interactive
- Nostalgia Hound
- Not Magic
- NotGames
- NoTime Studios
- Notion Games
- Noumena Studios
- Noumenon Games
- Nova Dimension
- Nova Ideas
- Nova-box
- NovaLogic
- novamicus
- Novaq Games
- Novation Games
- Novectacle
- Nowhere Studios
- Nowhere Town
- NoxBiX Co,. Ltd.
- npp_trainer
- NSE Circuit
- Ntreev Soft Co., Ltd.
- Ntronium Games
- Nuclear Strawberry
- NuclearFirecracker
- Nuke Nine
- Nuked Games
- NukGames
- Numantian Games
- Number None
- Numinous Games
- numlock
- Nuno Donato
- Nuostak
- Nussoft
- Nvizzio Creations
- NVYVE® Studios
- Nyamyam
- NyanBlade
- O.T.K Games
- Oaa
- Oasis Games
- Object Normal
- Object Software Limited
- Oblivionburn Productions
- OBLONE Software
- Obsidian Entertainment
- OC Game Studio
- OCCA Studios
- Ocelot Society
- OCR Dev Team
- Octato
- ODBear Studios
- Odd Bug Studios
- Odd Comet Games
- ODD Games
- Odd Meter
- Odd Raven Studios
- oddByte
- oddonegames
- Oddworld Inhabitants
- Odin Game Studio
- Odnako Games
- Odooh Games
- Odyssey Studios
- Office 5656
- Offworld Industries
- Ogre Head Studio
- OhNoo Studio
- Oiffy
- OKAM Studio
- Okomotive
- Okugi Studio
- Old B1ood
- Old Shack Studio
- Old School Games
- Oldmoustache Gameworks
- Ole Lange
- Oleg Kazakov
- Oliver Boyce
- Oliver Chime
- Oliver Keppelmüller
- Olli Harjola, Otto Hantula, Tom Jubert, Carlo Castellano
- Omega Force
- Omega Games
- On Target Simulations
- On The Level Game Studios
- On5
- Once More With Gusto
- One Hamsa
- One Legged Seagull
- One Man Left Studios
- One More Game
- onebitbeyond
- OneManTeam
- oneoreight
- Oneshark
- Onion Soup Interactive
- Onni Interactive
- Onur Vural
- Onyx Lute
- Oointah
- OOO Gameprom
- Oovee® Game Studios
- OP Productions LLC
- Optillusion
- Opus
- Orange_Juice
- Orangepixel
- Orbit Studio
- Orbital Knight
- Orca Layout
- Oreol
- Organic 2 Digital Studio
- Organic Humans
- Orchid Games
- Origin8
- Original Fire Games
- Oriol Cosp Games
- Orion Games
- Oriplay
- Orthogonal Games
- Orube Game Studio
- Oryon Entertainment
- Oryzhon Studios
- Osaris Games
- Oscar Brittain
- Oscar Celestini
- Oskar Stålberg
- Osmotic Studios
- OSome Studio
- Ostrich Banditos
- Osumia Games
- OTA IMON Studios
- Other Ocean Interactive
- Otherworld Interactive
- Oudidon
- Ouch Giver Games
- Out Of Bounds
- Out of the Park Developments
- Outer Grid Games LLC
- Outer Planet Studios
- Outerlight Ltd.
- Outerminds
- Outerminds Inc.
- Outlands
- OutOfTheBit
- Over The Moon
- Over the Top Games
- Overcloud9
- Overcurfew
- Overflow
- Overhype Studios
- OverjoyedGameDevs
- OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.
- OVERKILL Software
- Overrun Games
- Ovid Works
- Ovilex Software
- ovos
- Ovosonico
- Owl Cave
- Owl Studio
- Owlcat Games
- Owlet
- Owlchemy Labs
- Owned by Gravity
- Oxeye Game Studio
- Oxide Games
- Ozark Softscape
- Paddle Creek Games
- Page 44 Studios
- Pajama Llama
- Palaplay
- Paleontology
- Panache Digital Games
- Pandemic Studios
- PanGuoJun
- Panoramik Inc
- Pantera Entertainment
- Panzer Corps
- Panzer Gaming
- Panzer Gaming Studios
- Papaya Studio
- Paper Pirates
- Paperash studio
- PaperSeven LTD
- Papertiger Studio
- Parabole
- Parabox Games
- Paradox Arctic
- Paradox Development Studio
- Paradox Interactive
- Parallax Arts Studio
- Parallel Circles
- Parseh Game Studio
- Particle
- Particle Systems Ltd.
- Party for Introverts
- Passtech Games
- Pastagames
- Pathea Games
- Pathless Games
- PatchNoteStudio
- Patrice Meneguzzi
- Patrick God
- Patrick O'Connor
- Patyuk Sergey
- Paul Cuisset
- Paul Fisch
- Paul Marrable
- Pavel Bulatov
- Pavel Kostin
- Pavonis Interactive
- Paweł Dywelski
- Paweł Mogiła
- Payload Studios
- PD Design Studio
- Peace
- Peach Pie Productions
- Peachy Keen Games
- Peak Angle Team
- Peaksel D.O.O. Nis
- peakvox
- Peanut Button
- Pearl Abyss
- Peculiar Games
- Pencil Test Studios
- Pendulo Studios
- Pentacle
- Pentagrammical Justice
- People Can Fly
- Pera Games
- Perelesoq
- Perfect Square Studios
- Perfectly Paranormal
- Perfuse Entertainment
- Periscope Games
- Permadeath
- Permafrost Studio
- Permanent Way Games
- Persistant Studios
- Persona Theory Games
- Perun Creative
- PestoForce
- Pet Project Games
- Peter Cleary
- Peter Junior Leonar
- Peter Moorhead
- Petit Depotto
- Petoons Studio
- Petro Shoferystov
- Petrodiy-Games
- Petroglyph
- Petroglyph Games
- Petroglyph Games Inc
- Petums
- Pewter Games Studios
- Phantagram
- Phantom Compass
- Pheenix93
- Phenomenon Games
- Phenomic
- Phew Phew Games
- Phigames
- Philip Bak
- Philippe Forgeur
- phime studio LLC
- PHL Collective
- Phobetor
- Phobia Game Studio
- Phoenix Game and Publisher Studio
- Phoenix Game Studio
- Phoenix Labs
- Phoenix Online Studios
- Phoesion
- Phosfiend Systems
- Phosphene Designs LLC
- Phosphor Games
- Phosphor Games Studio
- Photon Arena
- Phr00t's Software
- Piao Jingfu
- Picaresque Studio
- Piccolo Studio
- PiCorp
- Pidroh
- Piece of Cake studios
- Pieces Interactive
- Pigasus Games
- PiGravity
- PikPok
- Pilgrim Adventures
- Pill Bug Interactive
- Pine Studio
- Pinnacle
- Pinokl Games
- Piotr Bunkowski
- PIPE Studio
- Pipeworks Studio
- Pipliz
- pipotchi600
- Pippin Games
- Piranha – Bytes
- Piranha Bytes
- Piranha Games
- Pivotal Games
- Pixel Barrage Entertainment, Inc.
- Pixel Battery
- Pixel Cream
- Pixel Crow
- Pixel Dash Studios, EQ
- Pixel Federation
- Pixel Ferrets
- Pixel Maniacs
- Pixel Maverick Games
- Pixel Night
- Pixel Prophecy
- Pixel Theory
- Pixel Titans
- Pixel Trickery
- pixel.lu
- Pixelated Milk
- Pixelated Panties
- PixelBot Games
- PixelFade Inc
- Pixeljam
- Pixellore
- PixelMetal
- PixelMouse
- Pixelnest Studio
- PixelShard
- pixelsplit
- PixelTail Games
- PixelTrip Studios
- Pixelz Games
- plaiko
- Plane Toast
- Planet Alpha ApS
- Planet Moon Studios
- Plastic Piranha
- Plastic Reality Technologies
- Platine Dispositif
- PlatinumGames
- Platoniax Studio
- Plausible Concept
- Play
- Play Native Entertainment
- Play sp. z o. o.
- Play Spirit Limited
- Play, Silden
- Play2Chill S. A
- Playboom
- Playbrains
- Playcademy
- Playdead
- Playdek, Inc.
- Playful
- Playful Corporation
- Playground Games
- playchocolate
- Playito.com
- Playloft
- Playrise Digital Ltd.
- Playrix Entertainment
- PlaySide
- Playsport Games
- Playstark
- Playtap Games
- Playtonic Games
- Playway
- PlayWay S.A.
- PlayWay SA
- PlayWithFurcifer
- Playwood Project
- PlayZilla.tk
- PlazSoft
- Plethora Project
- Plexagon Studios
- PlotTwist Studios
- Plukit
- Pocket Money Games
- PocketPair
- Pocketwatch Games
- Point Blank Games
- Point Five Projects
- Point2Point Entertainment
- Pointscape
- PokPoong Games
- Pokshevanov Pavel
- Polar Motion
- PolarityFlow
- Poleaxe Games
- Polovey Alexander
- Polyarc Games
- PolyDigital
- Polygon Art
- Polygrammatic Limited
- PolyKid
- PolyKnight Games
- Polynetix Studio
- PolyPusher Studios
- Polyslash
- Polytron Corporation
- Pomera Studios
- ponett
- Ponywolf
- Popcannibal
- PopCap Games
- PopCap Games, Inc.
- PopTop
- Porcelain Labs
- Portal Entertainment
- Portal Studios
- Portalarium
- PortaPlay
- Positech Games
- Post Mortem Pixels
- PostMod Softworks
- Potata Company
- Potatobrain Games
- PotionC
- Power of 2
- Power Up Audio
- Power Up to Maximum
- Powerhoof
- PowPow
- Praxis Games
- President Studio
- Press Play
- Prexen Studios
- Prideful Sloth
- Primal
- Primal Seed
- Primary Orbit
- Primitive Studio
- Priority Interrupt
- Prism Game Studios Ltd.
- Private Moon Studios
- Prof. Scherer
- Professional Imagination
- ProGames Studio
- Progorion
- Project Aces
- Project Moon
- Projectile Entertainment
- ProjectorGames
- Projects from Basement
- Prologue Games
- Proper Games
- Proscenium
- Prospect Games
- Protection Games
- Proteus Pixel
- Protocol Games
- Protomni Multimedia
- Proxy Studios
- Prutkova Anastasia
- Psikyo
- Psilocybe Games
- Psydra Games LLC
- Psychic Software
- Psychotic Psoftware
- Psyonix, Inc.
- Psytec Games
- Psytec Games Ltd
- Pudding
- Pugsley LLC
- Pulse Entertainment
- Pulsetense Games
- Pump Action Games
- Pumpkim
- Punch Punk Games
- Punchers Impact
- Punkster Inc.
- Puny Human
- Puppygames
- Pure FPS
- Purple Lamp Studios
- Purple Software
- Purple Tree
- Purple Tree Games
- Puuba
- PuzzLab
- Puzzle Lab
- Puzzles By Joe
- Puzzling Dream
- PVGames
- Pwnee Studios
- PXLink
- Pyramid
- Pyro Studios
- Pyrodactyl
- Pyromancers.com
- Pyxeralia
- Q-Games Ltd.
- QCF Design
- Qooc Software
- Qplaze
- Qruppo
- quad games
- Quad-Games
- Quadro Delta
- Quaint Emerald
- Quality Simulations
- Quandary Solutions LTD
- Quantic Dream
- Quantum Entanglement Games
- Quantum Phoenix Studio
- Quantumfrog
- Quarter Pound Studios
- Quaternion Studio
- QUByte Games Studio. LLC
- QUByte Interactive
- Question
- Questtracers
- Quick Click Games
- QuickSave
- Quicksilver Software
- Quiet River
- R C Knight
- R&G Software
- Rabbit & Bear Studios
- Rablo Games
- RAC7 Games
- Radial Games
- Radiant Entertainment
- RadiationBurn
- Radical Entertainment
- Radical Fish Games
- Radical Phi
- RadLabGaming
- Radon Labs
- Rafael Barreto
- Rafael Farias
- Rage Software
- Ragequit Corporation
- RageSquid
- Ragiva Games e.K.
- RagTagRadical
- Rail Slave Games
- RailSimulator.com
- RailSimulator.com Ltd
- Rain Games
- Rainbow Games
- Rainbow Studios
- RainDance LX
- Rainssong
- Rainy Night Creations
- Rakarnov Studios
- Rake in Grass
- Rampant Games
- Random Bird Studio
- Random Layers
- Random Seed Games
- Randomnine Ltd
- RandomSpin
- Ranmantaru Games
- Ransacked Studios, LLC
- Raptor Claw Games
- Rare
- Raspina Studio
- Rasul Mono
- Rat King Entertainment
- Ratalaika Games S.L.
- Ratloop Asia
- Ratz 'N' Godz
- Ravegan
- Raven Software
- Raven Travel Studios
- Ravenous Games Inc.
- Raving Bots
- Raw Lion Workshop
- Raw Thrills
- Raxasoft Games
- Rayhouse Productions
- Raylight Games
- Raylight srl
- Raymond Doerr
- Razer
- Razorworks
- Razvan
- Re-Logic
- Re:Lab
- React Games
- Reactor Entertainment
- Reactor Zero
- Reakktor Studios
- Real Dynamics
- Reality Pump
- Reality Pump Studios
- Reality Twist GmbH
- Really Slick
- Realmforge Studios
- Realore
- rebel rabbit
- Rebelephant
- Rebellion
- Rebellion Developments
- Rebelmind
- Reborn Games
- Rebound CG
- Recoil Games
- Recotechnology
- Recotechnology S.L.
- Recreat4
- Recreate Games
- Rectangle
- Red Axe Games
- Red Barrels
- Red Beat
- Red Candle Games
- Red Dev Studio
- Red Dot Games
- Red Dwarf Games
- Red Ego Games
- Red Fly Studio
- Red Head Games
- Red Hedgehog
- Red Herring Labs
- Red Hook Studios
- Red Iron Labs Ltd.
- Red Meat Games
- Red Mount Media
- Red Nexus Games Inc.
- Red Square Games S.A.
- Red Storm Entertainment
- Red Thread Games
- Red Wasp Design Ltd
- Red Winter Software
- Redaster Studio
- RedBedlam
- Redblack Spade
- RedCandleGames
- Reddoll Srl
- Redlynx
- RedLynx, in collaboration with Ubisoft Shanghai
- RedLynx, in collaboration with Ubisoft Shanghai, Ubisoft Kiev
- Redpoint Games
- Redro Games
- Redstone Interactive
- Redwood Games
- Refactored Games OÜ
- Reflect Studios
- Reflections, a Ubisoft Studio
- Reflector Entertainment
- Reflextions
- Refract
- Refugio3D
- Regular Studio
- Reikon Games
- Reiza Studios
- Rejected Games
- Rekka Games
- Related Designs
- Relic
- Relic Entertainment
- Reload Game Studio
- Reload Games Studio
- reMaginarium
- Remedy
- Remedy Entertainment
- Remoob
- Render Cube
- Renderise
- René Bühling
- René Rother
- Renegade Kid
- Renegade Sector Games
- Replay Studios
- Resi
- Resistance Games
- Resni
- Resonair
- Respawn Entertainment
- Restory Studio
- Retrific
- Retro Affect
- Retro Army Limited
- Retro Warp Gaming
- Retrocade.net
- Retroism
- Reverie World Studios, INC
- Reversed Interactive
- Revival Productions, LLC
- Revolution Software
- Revolution Software Ltd
- Revultive Games
- Reward Hunters
- Rewind Games
- RewindApp
- Rexecho
- Rezoner
- RG Crew
- Rhino Games
- Rhizome Games™
- RiDeLy
- Ridiculon
- Right Nice Games
- Righteous Hammer Games
- RigidCore Games
- Richard Haraším
- Richard Whitelock
- Rionix
- Riot
- Ripatti Software
- Ripknot Systems
- Ripstone
- Risa Interactive
- Risen Phoenix Studios
- Risin' Goat
- Rising Star Games
- Ritual Entertainment
- Ritual Games
- Rival Games Ltd
- rkd.zone
- RLR Training Inc
- Road Studio S.A.
- Rob Howland
- Rob Lach
- Robert Alvarez
- Robert Briscoe
- Robert Gammon
- Robert Mensah
- Robert Miroszewski
- Robert Wolff and Knut Müller
- Roboatino
- RoboDev
- Robomodo
- Robosoft Technologies
- Robot Entertainment
- Robot Gentleman
- Robot Invader
- Robot Loves Kitty
- Robotality
- Robotronic Games
- RobTop Games
- Rock Path Collective
- Rock Pocket Games
- Rocket Bear Games
- Rocketcat Games
- RocketPunch Games
- rocketship
- RocketWerkz
- Rocking Hamster
- Rockodile
- Rockstar Games
- Rockstar Leeds
- Rockstar New England
- Rockstar North
- Rockstar North / Toronto
- Rockstar San Diego
- Rockstar Studios
- Rockstar Toronto
- Rocksteady
- Rocksteady Studios
- Rocktastic Games
- Rockwell Studios, LLC
- Rocwise Entertainment
- Rodeo Games
- RodeoNET
- Roger Levy
- Rogue Duck Interactive
- Rogue Earth LLC
- Rogue Entertainment
- Rogue Factor
- Rogue Moon Studios
- Rogue Snail
- RogueWare
- rokaplay
- rokapublish
- RoKo0 (Roman Konyukhov)
- Rolf Westphalen
- Roll7
- Roman Kozhukhov
- Romans I XVI Gaming, LLC
- Romero Games Ltd.
- Ronald Destefano
- rondomedia Marketing & Vertriebs GmbH
- Ronimo Games
- Room 8 Studio
- Roope Tamminen
- Rooster Teeth Games
- Rootless Studio
- Rosebud Games
- RosePortal Games
- roseVeRte
- Ross Edgar
- Rotateam
- Rotatipyra
- Round8 Studio
- RP Studios
- RPG Video
- RSK Entertainment
- RTL interactive
- Ruben Alcañiz
- Ruben Pecellin
- Rubycone
- Rückert Broductions
- Rudolf Kremers & Alex May
- Rumata Lab
- Rumpus
- Run-Down Games
- Rundisc
- Rune Forge
- RuneHeads
- Runestone Studios
- RuneStorm
- Runic Games
- Runner Duck
- Running Pillow
- Running With Scissors
- RunServer
- Rupeck Games
- RussianDEV
- Russpuppy
- Rustic Fantastic
- Rusty Bolt
- Rusty Knights
- Rusty Lake
- Rusty Oak
- Ryan Jensen
- RyseUp Studios
- Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
- Ryū Ga Gotoku Studios
- Sabaton
- Saber Interactive
- Sabotage
- Sad Owl Studios
- SadSquare Studio
- Sachonski
- Saibot Studios
- Sailbot Studios
- SaintHeiser
- Sakari Games
- Sakari Indie
- Sakari Indie & GriN
- sakevisual
- salamandra88
- Sally Rough LLC
- Salmi Games
- Salsawi
- Sam Barlow
- Sam Enright
- Sam L Jones
- Samobee Games
- Samurai Punk
- Sand Sailor Studio
- Sandswept Studios
- Santa Clara Games
- Santa Monica Studio
- Santa Ragione
- santasco.com
- Sanuk Games
- Sanzaru Games Inc.
- Saona Studios
- Sapphire Dragon Productions
- Sarepta studio
- Saturn-plus
- Sauropod Studio
- SC Jogos
- Scarab Entertainment
- Scarlet Studio
- ScaryPotato
- Scavengers Studio
- Scienart Media
- Scientifically Proven
- Score Studios
- Scoria Studios
- Scorpius Games
- Scott Cawthon
- ScottGames
- Scraping Bottom Games
- Screeps
- Screwfly Studios
- Screwtape Studios
- Screwy Lightbulb
- SCS Software
- Sculptured Software
- SDP Games
- Sea Beast Productions
- Sea Green Games
- Seabass and Gazelle Studios
- Sean Davy
- Sean Han Tani and Joni Kittaka
- Sean O'Connor
- Sean Young
- Seattletek
- Seaven Studio
- Sebastian Nigro
- Sebastien Bini
- Second Impact Games
- Second Order
- Second Reality
- Second Variety Games
- Secret Base
- Secret Exit Ltd.
- Secret Tunnel Entertainment
- Sector3 Games
- Sector3 Studios
- Sector3 Studios AB
- Seed by Seed
- Seedy Eye Software
- SeeThrough Studios
- SEGA Studios Australia
- Sega Technical Institute
- SeithCG
- Sekerin Productions
- Selecta Play
- Self Made Miracle
- Selva Interactive
- Semaphore
- sen
- Send It Studios
- Senomix Research
- Senscape
- Serellan LLC
- Serenity Forge
- Sergej110
- Sergey Bobrov
- Sergey Dovganovskiy
- Sergey Kalmanovich (aka Red Spot Sylphina)
- Sergey Marchenko
- Sergey Shushunov
- Sergio & Simon
- SergioPoverony
- Sergiu Bucur
- Serious Brew
- Serious Games Interactive
- Serious Tangents
- Serkan Bakar
- Setapp Sp. z o.o.
- Seven Sails Ltda
- SFB Games
- SGS Team
- Shade
- SHADE Inc.
- Shadebob Games
- Shadow Planet Productions
- Shadow Tor Studios
- Shadowprerequisite
- ShadowShifters
- Shaman Games Studio
- Shane Berezowski
- Shanghai AmberDragon
- Shangri-La Game Studios Ltd
- Shape Shop
- Shared Memory
- Shark Punch
- SharkGame
- Shaun Williams
- ShaunJS
- Shawn Beck
- Shawn Hitchcock
- Shenandoah Studio
- Sherman 3D
- Sherman3D
- Shieldbearer Studios
- Shiisanmei
- Shine Research
- Shining Gate Software
- Shining Pixel Studios
- Shining Rock Software LLC
- Shiny Entertainment
- Shiny Shoe
- Shiro Games
- Shiver Entertainment
- Shiver Games
- Shoho Games
- Shorebound Studios
- ShortRound Games
- Shotgun Surgeons
- Shotgun with Glitters
- ShotX Studio
- Shovsoft
- Shrimpcave Industries
- shysaursoft
- Schell Games
- Schine, GmbH
- Schism Worldwide
- Schulenburg Software
- Si7
- Si7 Studio
- SIA Next Level
- Sicarius
- Sick Puppies
- Sidhe Interactive
- Sidodji Gaming and Panov Inc
- SIE San Diego Studio
- SIE Santa Monica Studio
- Sieg Games Co., Ltd.
- Siege Games
- Sierra
- Sierra Entertainment
- Sierra On-Line
- Sigma Team Inc.
- Signal Studios
- Silden
- Silent Dreams
- SilentFuture
- Silesia Games Sp. z o.o.
- Silicon Echo
- Silk Games
- Silky Smooth Studio
- Sillysoft Games
- Silver Dollar Games
- Sim155 Limited
- SimBin
- SimBin Studios AB
- Simogo
- Simon Prefontaine
- SimpleGhost
- SimProse Studios
- Simteract
- Simulators Live
- Sinclair Strange
- Sinergia Studios
- Singularity Lab
- Sinister Design
- Sinister Systems
- Sinkhole Studio
- Sir-Tech
- Sir-Tech Canada
- Sirlin Games
- Sixteen Tons Entertainment
- Size Five Games
- Ska Studios
- Skatanic Studios
- Sketchy Logic
- Skies Technologies
- Skilltree Studios
- Skinny Jean Death Studios
- Skobbejak Games
- Skunkape Interactive
- Sky Drake Studios
- Sky Fallen
- SkyBox Labs
- Skyboy Games
- Skydome Entertainment
- Skydome Studios
- SkyGoblin
- Skyhook Games
- Skyjaz Games
- SkyRiver Studios
- Skyshine Games
- Skywind Games
- Slak Games
- Slant Six Games
- Slashware Interactive
- Slavic Magic
- Sledgehammer Games
- Sleeping Panda Games
- Sleepless Clinic
- Sleepy Duck
- Sleepy Studios
- Slick Entertainment Inc.
- Slightly Mad Studios
- Slipgate Ironworks
- Slitherine
- Slitherine Ltd.
- Sloclap
- Sludj Games
- Slug Disco Studios
- Sluggerfly
- SMAC Games
- Smack Down Productions
- Small Impact Games
- SmallGreenHill
- SmartArt Game Studio
- Smarter Games
- SmartHart Games
- Smartmelon Games
- SmashGames
- SMG Studio
- Smit Parmar
- Smoketree Studios
- Smoking WOLF
- SmokingWOLF
- Smolders
- Smudged Cat Games
- Smudged Cat Games Ltd
- Smug Marmot
- Smyowl
- Snack Games
- SnagBox
- Snail Games
- Snail Games USA
- Snail-Ninja Studio
- Snapshot Games Inc.
- Sneaky Mammoth
- snekflat
- SNK Games
- Snowbird Games
- Snowbit Interactive
- Snowblind Studios
- Snowcastle Games
- Snowed In Studios
- Snowhound Games
- Soap Interactive, Lion Game Lion
- Soaphog
- SoftLab-NSK
- SoftPlanet
- SoftStar
- SOFTSTAR Entertainment
- SoftWeir Inc.
- Soiree Games
- Soldak Entertainment
- Soleil
- Solest Games
- Sólfar Studios
- Solid9 Studio
- Solomakha Taras
- Soma Games
- SomaSim
- Sombr Studio
- Sombr Studio LLC
- Some-Fish
- Sometimes You
- Somi
- Sonalysts
- Sonalysts Combat Simulations
- Sonera Game Studio
- Songhouse Games
- Sonic Team
- Sonnori
- Sorath
- Sos
- Sos Sosowski
- Soul Catapult
- Soul Forge
- Sourena Game Studio
- South East Games
- Southend
- souvenir circ.
- Soviet Games
- Sørb
- Space Boat Studios
- Space Cat Studios
- Space Fractal
- Space Horse
- Space Monkey International
- Space Wedgie
- Space Wedgie, LLC
- Spaceboy Games
- Spacelight Studio
- SpaceOwl Games
- Spaces of Play UG
- Spark Plug Games, LLC
- Spark Unlimited
- sparsevector
- Spearhead Games
- Specialbit Studio
- Spectral Games
- Spectral Illusions
- Spectrum Holobyte
- Specular Interactive
- SpeedLittleFox
- Speelbaars
- Spelkraft
- Spellbind Studios
- Spellbound
- Spellbound AG
- Spellbound Entertainment
- Spellbound Studios
- Sperasoft, Inc.
- Sphere, Inc.
- Spicy Horse Games
- Spicy Tails
- Spicyhorse Games
- Spiderling Studios
- Spidermonk Entertainment
- Spiders
- Spiderweb Software
- Spiderwork Games
- Spidove
- Spike ChunSoft
- Spike Chunsoft Co., Ltd.
- Spike Chunsoft, Inc.
- Spiky Caterpillar
- SpikySnail
- Spilt Milk Studios Ltd
- SpinTop Games
- Spiral Game Studios
- Spiral House
- Spiral House Ltd.
- Splash Damage
- Splashteam
- Splendy Interactive
- Split Polygon
- Spooky Squid Games Inc.
- Spooky Star
- Spoonful of Wonder
- Sports Interactive
- Sports Mogul, Inc.
- Springloaded
- sprite
- Spritewrench
- Sproing
- Sproing Interactive Media
- Spry Fox LLC
- Squad
- Square
- Square Enix 1st Production Department
- Square Enix Business Division 11
- Square Enix Business Division 3
- Square Enix Creative Business Unit I
- Square Enix Creative Business Unit IV
- Square Enix Montréal
- Square Gem Software
- Squatting Penguins
- Squeaky Wheel
- Squeaky Wheel Studio Inc
- Squid In A Box
- Squid Shock Studios
- Squiddershins
- Squinkifer Productions
- St. Michael's Girls School
- Stage 2 Studios
- Stage Clear Studios
- Stage Games
- stage-nana
- Stained Glass Llama
- Stainless Games
- Stainless Games Ltd
- Stainless Games Ltd.
- StalkerAlex
- Standing Stone Games
- Stanislaw Dev
- Stanislaw Truchowski
- Star Drifters
- Star Game Studios
- Star Chess Studio
- Star Legion
- Star Maid Games
- Starbreeze
- Starbreeze Studios
- Starbreeze Studios AB
- Stardock Entertainment
- Starfish-SD Inc
- Starlight Games
- Starloop Studios
- starmops
- Starni Games
- Starodymov
- StarSystemStudios
- StarSystemStudios™
- Startreming
- Starward Industries
- Starwind Games
- StarworkGC
- Stas Shostak
- State of Play Games
- Stately Snail
- Static Dreams
- Ste Curran
- Stealth Studios Inc.
- Steam
- Steel City Interactive
- Steel Crate Games
- Steel Mantis
- Steel Monkeys
- Steel Sky Productions
- Steel Wool Games
- Steel Wool Studios
- Steelkrill Studio
- SteelRaven7
- Stefan Preuss
- Stegalosaurus Game Development
- Stegersaurus Software Inc.
- Stegosoft Games
- Stelex Software
- Stellar Cartography
- Stellar Entertainment
- Stephen Crabb
- Stereo7 Games
- Steve Gal
- Steve Jarman
- Stickmen Studios
- Stijn Van Coillie
- Still Games
- Still Running
- stillalive studios
- Sting
- Stirfire Studios
- Stitch Heads Entertainment
- Stoic
- Stolen Couch Games
- Stone Blade Entertainment
- Stone Monkey Studios
- Stone Pixel Games, LLC.
- Stonebrick Studios UG
- Stonehill Games
- Storia
- Storm in a Teacup
- Storm Sharks Production
- StormBringer Studios
- Stormcloud Games
- StormCube Games
- Stormind Games
- Stormlord Games
- Stormregion
- Storybird
- Storybird Games
- Storybird Studio
- Storycentric Worlds
- StoryTale Studios
- Straandlooper
- Straandlooper Animation
- Straight Back Games
- Straight Right
- Stranga
- Strange Horizons Ltd
- Strange Loop Games
- Strange Scaffold
- Strangely Interactive Ltd
- Strategiae
- Strategy First
- Strategy Labs
- Stray Fawn Studio
- Straylight Entertainment
- Streko Graphics
- Strength in Numbers Studios, Inc
- Stress Level Zero
- Streum On Studio
- Strides Interactive
- Strike Games
- Stroboskop
- Stroe Andrei
- Studio 397
- Studio 48
- Studio Baikin
- Studio Bean
- Studio Binokle
- Studio Centurion
- Studio Craft Development
- Studio Cut to Bits
- studio Don Quixote
- Studio Élan
- Studio Evil
- Studio Fizbin
- Studio Chahut
- Studio MDHR
- Studio Monolith
- Studio Namaapa
- Studio Nul Games
- Studio Nyx
- Studio Pixel
- Studio Saizensen
- Studio Wildcard
- Studio Windsocke
- Studio Zero
- StudioGIW
- StudioMDHR Entertainment Inc.
- Studios iLLOGIKA
- Stuffed Castle Studios
- Stunlock Studios
- Stupid Stupid Games
- Stygian Software
- Subaltern Games
- Subaltern Games, LLC
- Subatomic Studios LLC
- Subcult Joint
- Submersivo Game Studio
- Subset Games
- Subsoap
- Subworld
- Sucker Punch Productions
- SuckerFree Games
- Sukeban Games
- Suminell Studios
- Summerfall Studios
- Summitsphere
- Sumo Digital
- Sumo Digital Ltd
- Sumo Newcastle
- Sumo Nottingham
- Sumom Games
- Sun Dogs
- Sun-Studios
- Suncrash
- Sundae Month
- Sundew Studios
- Sunfire Software
- Sungazer Software
- Sunight Games
- Sunlight Games
- Sunnyside Games
- SunRay Games
- Sunside Inc
- Sunsoft
- Sunward Games
- Super Awesome Hyper Dimensional Mega Team
- Super Evil Megacorp
- Super God
- Super Icon Ltd
- Super Mega Team
- Super Pixel Games
- Super Punk Games
- Supergiant Games
- Supergonk
- SuperChop Games
- Superkami
- Supermassive Games
- Supersonic Software
- Supine
- Suppressive Fire Games
- Supra Games
- Supreme Clans Entertainment
- Surgent Studios
- Surreal Software
- Survios
- Sushee
- Sushi Typhoon Games
- Suspicious Developments
- SUTD Game Lab
- SVRVIVE Studios
- Sweet Bandits Studios
- Sweet Dog Studios
- Swinfjord-Games
- Swing Swing Submarine
- Sword & Axe LLC
- Swordtales
- Sylphe Labs
- Sylvain Seccia
- Synersteel Studio, LLC
- Synetic
- Synset
- System Era Softworks
- System Prisma
- System3
- Systemic Games
- Systemic Reaction
- Systemic Reaction™
- Syu-Syu
- T4 Interactive
- Table Flip Games
- TACS Games
- Tactical Adventures
- TAD Productions AB
- Tag of Joy
- Tahoe Games
- Tachi
- Taito
- takayakata
- Take IT Studio!
- Tako Boy Studios
- Talawa Games
- Tale of Tales
- Talecore Studios
- Talentplace
- Taleworlds
- TaleWorlds Entertainment
- Tall Story Studios
- Tall Troll Games
- TallTech studio
- tamationgames
- Tamugaia
- Tango Gameworks
- Tangrin Entertainment
- Tantalus Media
- Tap It Games
- Taranasus Studio
- Tarba Paul Cornel
- Tarboosh Games
- Targem Games
- Targon Studios
- Tarsier Studios
- Tasharen Entertainment Inc.
- Tasty Poison
- Tate Multimedia
- Tatyana Murzina
- TawStudio Entertainment
- Tayfun Tuna
- Tazigen Clock
- TBA Games
- TBDTS Games
- TDZ Games
- TealRocks Studio
- Team 6 Studios
- Team Above
- Team ADOM
- Team Arcana
- Team Asano
- team BitClub
- Team Bondi
- Team Colorblind
- Team Fractal Alligator
- Team Gotham
- Team GrisGris
- Team Grybanser Fox
- Team HalfBeard
- Team Cherry
- Team Indev
- Team Isolation
- Team Jolly Roger
- Team Junkfish
- Team Kryll
- Team Ladybug
- Team Machiavelli
- Team Mariupolis
- Team Meat
- Team Murder
- Team NINJA
- Team Replay
- Team Reptile
- Team Robot Black Hat
- Team Salvato
- Team Shifty
- Team Shinobi
- Team Sneed
- Team Soda
- Team Tripleslash
- Team17
- Team17 Digital Ltd
- Team17 Digital Ltd.
- Team17 Software Ltd.
- Team2Bit
- Team6 Game Studios
- Team6 game studios B.V.
- Team8 Studio
- TeamAthopiu
- TeamCrew
- Teamomega
- TeamTO Games
- Teemo Soft
- Techland
- Techland Publishing
- Technetium Games
- Technical Entertainment
- Technocrat Games
- Technomancy Studios
- Teku Studios
- Telehorse
- Telepaths Tree
- Telltale Games
- Tenbirds
- Tendershoot
- Tennen-sozai
- Teotl Studios
- tequibo
- Tequila Works
- Tequila Works, S.L.
- Tequilabyte Studio
- Terad Games
- Terapoly
- Teravision Games
- Terminal Press
- Terminal Reality
- Tero Lunkka
- Terra Nova Development
- Terri Vellmann
- Terrible Posture Games
- Terrible Toybox
- Terry Cavanagh
- Tesseract Interactive
- Test3 Projects
- Texel Raptor
- Teyon
- TGA Company
- thatgamecompany
- The 3DO Company
- The 6-Month Initiative
- The Artistocrats
- The Astronauts
- The Balance Inc
- The Barberians Game Studio
- The Behemoth
- The Binary Mill
- The Bitfather
- The Bitmap Brothers
- The Brotherhood Games
- The Coalition
- The Conjurer's Tower
- The Creative Assembly
- The Dangerous Kitchen
- The Deep End Games
- The Domaginarium
- The Dust S.A.
- The Farm 51
- The Farm 51 Group SA
- The Football Club Simulator Studio
- The Foregone Syndicate
- The Fullbright Company
- The Fun Pimps
- The Future Of Videogames
- The Fyzz Facility
- The Game Bakers
- The Game Creators
- The Game Kitchen
- The Game Species
- The Gentlebros
- The Gentlebros Pte. Ltd.
- The Glitch Factory
- The Growing Stones
- The Hideout
- The House of Fables
- The Chinese Room
- The Indie Forge
- The Indie Stone
- The Innocent Devils
- The Irregular Corporation
- The Knights of Unity
- The Men Who Wear Many Hats
- The Mojo Collective
- The Molasses Flood
- The Moonwalls
- The Mustard Corporation
- The Odd Gentlemen
- The Outsiders
- The Paper Robot
- The Pixel Hunt
- The Quadsphere
- The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild
- The Revills Games
- The Secret Experiement
- The Secret Games Company
- The Secret Location
- The Secret Pie
- The Sims Studio
- The Station
- The Stonebot Studio
- The Stork Burnt Down
- The Story Mechanics
- The Tambourine
- The Tiniest Shark
- The Wandering Band
- The Wandering Ben
- The Working Parts
- The Young Socratics
- Thekla, Inc.
- Them Games
- TheShortAndTheTall
- Thiemo Bolder, ONEMANGAMES
- Thing Trunk
- ThinkOfGames
- Third Impression
- Third Wire Productions
- ThirtyThree
- Thomas Bowker
- Thomas Brush
- Thomas Happ Games
- Thomas Happ Games LLC
- Thomas Mackinnon
- Thomas Waterzooi
- Thomson Interactive
- Thorium
- Thorne Games
- Those Awesome Guys
- Thoughtshelter Games
- THQ Nordic
- Threaks
- Three Fields Entertainment
- Three Gates
- Three Gates AB
- Three Guys Game Studio
- Thrill Pill Games
- Thunder Lotus Games
- Thunderful
- Thylacine Studios LLC
- Tianyu Studio
- TickTock Games
- TiconBlu
- TicToc Games
- Tiger Style
- TikGames
- TiliaSoft
- Tilted Mill Entertainment, Inc.
- Tim Conkling
- Tim Sullivan
- Timba Games
- Time Stop Interactive
- Timedrop Studios
- TimeGate Studios
- TimeSymmetry
- Timothy Brake
- Tin Man Games
- Tindalos Interactive
- Tinimations
- Tinker Nova Games
- Tiny Bull Studios
- Tiny Horse Games
- Tiny Pixel
- Tiny Rebel Games
- Tiny Roar
- Tiny Warrior Games
- TinyAtomGames
- tinyBuild
- TinyBuild Riga
- Tinymice Entertainment
- TinyMoon
- Tisnart
- Titan Forge Games
- Titan Forged Games
- Titan Squad
- Titouan Millet
- Titus Interactive
- Tlön Studios
- TML Studios
- TML-Studios
- TNT Team
- Toadman Interactive
- Toast
- tobyfox
- Toco Games
- Toge Productions
- Toka Loka Games
- Tokyo RPG Factory
- Tolga Ay
- Tom De Roeck
- Tom Kingston
- Tomadeira
- Tomas Sala
- Tomasz Wacławek
- Tomatotrap
- Tomkorp Computer Solutions Inc.
- Tomlab Games
- Tommah
- Tomoaki Sugeno
- Tomorrow Corporation
- Tonguç Bodur
- TonyDevGame
- Too Kind Studio
- ToonTRAXX Studios
- Top3Line s.r.o.
- TopArcadeApps
- Toplitz Productions
- Topstitch Games
- Topware Interactive
- Torched Hill
- Torii-Games
- Torn Banner Studios
- Torple Dook
- Torque Studios
- Torreng Labs
- Torrunt
- Tortuga Team
- Torus Games
- Tose
- Total Mayhem Games
- Totally Games
- TotallyNotReptillian
- Totem Games
- Totem Studio
- Toucan Studio
- Touhou Makukasai Team
- Touch Dimensions Interactive
- Toukana Interactive
- Tower Five
- Tower Up Studios
- Toxic Dog
- Toxic Games
- toxtronyx interactive GmbH
- Toyman Interactive
- TPP Studio
- Tragnarion Studios
- TRAGsoft
- Trainwreck Studios
- Transhuman Design
- Trapdoor Inc.
- Traptics
- Trashmasters
- Traveller's Tales
- Trazzy Entertainment
- Treasure
- Trebuchet Entertainment LLC
- Tree Men Games
- TreeFortress Games
- Trend Micro
- Trendy Entertainment
- Trepang Studios
- Treyarch
- Triangle Studios
- Triband
- Tribe Tea
- Tribute Games Inc.
- Trickjump Games Ltd
- Trickster Arts
- Trickster Games
- Tricktale
- Tricore Inc.
- Trident Game Studio
- Trigger Happy Interactive
- Trichotomy
- Trilobyte Games
- Trinity Team srls
- Trion Worlds
- Triple Hill Interactive
- Triple.B.Titles
- TripleBrick
- Tripwire Interactive
- Triskell Interactive
- Triternion
- Triumph Studios
- Triverske
- Troglobytes Games
- Troika Games
- Trokhin Viktor
- TrolleyBuzz LLC
- TT Fusion
- TT Games
- Tuatara Games
- TubbyKiD UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- Tuesday Quest
- tumangames
- Tunnel Vision Games
- Tunnel Vision Studio
- Tuomo Laine
- Tuque Games
- Turmoil Games
- Turn10 Studios
- Turning Wheel LLC
- Turnopia
- Turquoise Revival Games
- Turtle Cream
- Turtle Rock Studios
- Turtle Sandbox
- Tusha Works
- Tusky Games
- Tuxedo Labs
- tw1ZTER
- Twelve Games
- Twelve Tiles
- Twice Circled
- Twin Drums
- Twisted Pixel
- Twisted Pixel Games
- Twistplay
- Twitch
- Two Desperados
- Two Horizons
- Two Point Studios
- Two Tribes
- TwoShrinks
- Tydecon Games
- Tyler Hurd
- Tyler McDermott
- Tymon Zgainski
- U-Play online
- U24 Solutions
- Uber Entertainment
- Ubisoft
- Ubisoft Shanghaï
- Ubisoft - San Francisco
- Ubisoft Annecy
- Ubisoft Barcelona
- Ubisoft Blue Byte
- Ubisoft Blue Byte Studio
- Ubisoft Bucharest
- Ubisoft Bulgaria
- Ubisoft Entertainment
- Ubisoft Kiev
- Ubisoft Kyiv
- Ubisoft Milan
- Ubisoft Montpellier
- Ubisoft Montreal
- Ubisoft Montreal Studio
- Ubisoft Montreal, Massive Entertainment, and Ubisoft Shanghai
- Ubisoft Montreal, Red Storm, Shanghai, Toronto, Kiev
- Ubisoft Paris
- Ubisoft Pune
- Ubisoft Quebec
- Ubisoft Reflections
- Ubisoft Romania
- Ubisoft San Francisco
- Ubisoft Shanghai
- Ubisoft Singapore
- Ubisoft Sofia
- Ubisoft Toronto
- UFO Crash Games
- uGen Inc.
- UIG International GmbH
- Ultimate Games
- Ultravision Interactive
- Umberto Parisi
- UMEO Studios
- Umix
- Un Je Ne Sais Quoi
- Unbound Creations LLC
- Unbroken Studios
- Uncaged Studios
- Uncle Frost Team
- Undead Labs
- UndeadScout
- undef
- Under The Bridge
- Underbite Games
- Undercoders
- Unexpected
- Unfinished Pixel
- Unfold Games
- Unicorn Games Studio
- Unicube
- Unigine Corp.
- Unigine Holding
- Unika Games
- Union Workshop
- UniqueGames
- United Independent Entertainment GmbH
- United Soft Media Verlag GmbH
- UnitedIndie
- Universe
- Uniworlds Game Studios
- Unknown Worlds Entertainment
- Unlok
- Unnamed Fiasco Team
- Unnyhog
- Unphysical Machinery
- Unruly Attractions
- Untame
- Upfall Studios
- Upper Byte
- Upper Class Walrus
- Uppercut Games
- Urban Games
- Urban ghosts
- URSE Games
- Useless Machines
- Utopian World of Sandwiches
- Uzumeya
- V1 Interactive
- V5 Play
- Vae Victis Games
- Vagabond Dog
- Valera Entertainment
- Valhalla Cats
- Valkyria Studios
- Vallynne
- ValuSoft
- Valve
- Vambear Games
- Vanguard Games
- Vanillaware
- VaragtP
- Variable State
- Vasiliy Kostin
- Vblank Entertainment
- Vblank Entertainment, Inc.
- VDO Games
- Vector Games
- Vector Unit
- Vectorpark
- Vectorpark, Inc.
- Veewo Games
- Vennril
- Venugopalan Sreedharan
- VEOM Studio
- Verge of Brilliance LLC
- Vermont Software Studios,LLC
- Vernacular Games
- Versus System
- Vertex Pop
- Vertigo Games
- Vertigo Gaming Inc.
- vested interest
- VEWO Interactive Inc
- VexedEnigma
- Vexel Games
- VGstudio
- Vicarious Visions
- Vicious Cycle Software
- Vicious Cycle Software, Inc.
- Victor Corradi
- Victory Games
- Victory Works
- Vidas Salavejus
- Videocult
- ViewApp
- Vifth Floor
- Vigil Games
- vikingfabian.com
- Viktor Lazarev
- Vile Monarch
- Villainous Games
- Vionsoft
- VipaGames
- Viperante
- Virtew
- Virtual Dawn
- Virtual Racing Industries Ltd.
- Virtual Top
- Virtual Uppercut Studios
- VirtualRailroads
- Virtuos
- VIS - Visual Imagination Software
- VIS Games
- VIS-Games
- Visceral Games
- Visual Concepts
- Visual Entertainment And Technologies
- Visual Imagination Software GbR
- Visual Outbreak
- VisualArts/Key
- Visualnoveler
- VisualTech48
- Vitali Kirpu
- Vivid Games
- Vivid Games S.A.
- Vivid Helix
- Vivid Storm Interactive
- ViWo Games
- Vixa Games
- Vlad K.
- VladCastillo
- Vladimir Beletsky
- Vladimir Shlapak
- Vladis Fire
- Vlambeer
- VMware
- Vogd3
- Vogelsap
- Void Dimensions
- VOID Interactive
- VoidDev
- Voided Pixels
- Voidpoint, LLC
- Volcanicc
- voldan
- Volition
- Volition, Inc.
- VooFoo Studios
- Vorobushek
- Vovoid Media Technologies AB
- VoxelStorm
- Voxler
- Voxler Games
- VR Active Ltd
- VR Designs
- VR Factory
- VR Features
- VStep
- Vue Simulations
- Vyacheslav Notbad
- Vyacheslav Shilikhin
- Wadjet Eye Games
- Wadup Games
- Wako Factory
- Walaber Entertainment
- Wales Interactive
- Walk Thru Walls Studios
- Walter Machado
- WanadevStudio
- Waraní Studios
- Wareberd
- Warfare Studios
- WarfareSims
- Wargaming.net
- Warhorse Studios
- Warlock Arts
- Warm Lamp Games
- Warped Tales
- Warptear Entertainment
- Wastelands Interactive
- Waterlily Games
- WaterMelon
- Watermelon Co.
- waterxmelon
- WatchDogDevelopment.com
- Wave Light Games Inc.
- Waving Bear Studio
- WayForward
- WayForward Technologies
- WayForward Technologies Inc.
- Waygetter Electronics
- Wayward Design
- Wayward Prophet
- Waz
- WB Games Montréal
- We Are Bots
- Weappy Studio
- Weasel Token
- Weather Factory
- Webcore Games
- Webfoot
- Webroot
- Weckr Industries
- Wee Free Studio
- wefiends, Inc.
- Weird and Wry
- Weird Beluga Studio
- WeirdBeard
- Wellore
- weltenbauer. Software Entwicklung GmbH
- WeMade
- Wenkly Studio
- Wesley LaFerriere
- West Coast Software
- West Forest Games
- Westend Studio
- Westlake Interactive
- Wevr, Inc.
- WhackAKey Games
- Whale Rock Games
- Whalebox Studio
- Whalenought Studios
- What Pumpkin Games, Inc.
- What The Fantastic Games Group
- Wheat Muffin Games
- Whirlpool
- Whiskeybarrel Studios
- White Birds Productions
- White Cat
- White Dog
- White Giant RPG Studios
- White Lotus Interactive
- White Paper Games
- White Rabbit
- White Rabbit Games
- Whiteboard Games
- Whited43
- WhiteMoon Dreams
- Whitethorn Digital
- Whole Hog Games
- Whoop Group
- Whootgames
- Wicked Fun, Inc.
- Wicked Loot
- Wicked Witch
- Wicked Witch Software
- Wickey Ware
- Wickworks
- Wild Factor
- Wild Fields
- Wild Games Studio
- Wild Kid Games
- Wild Sphere
- WildArts
- WildArts Inc
- WildMonkey
- WildTangent
- Will Meadows
- Will Sykes Games
- William
- Willz
- Wily Pumpkin
- Wind Jester Games
- Winding Way Games
- WindLimit
- Windmill Games
- WindThunder Studio
- Windybeard
- Winged Cloud
- Winged Pixel Inc.
- wins_84
- Winter Wolves
- WinterSpring Games
- Wisdom Tree, Inc.
- WisdomTools
- Wisefool Studio
- Wiseman Softworks
- Wishes Ultd.
- Wishfully
- Wispfire
- Witan Entertainment
- Witan Game Production House
- Wither Studios
- Witch Beam
- Witching Hour Studios
- Wizarbox
- WizarBox Production
- Wizard Games Inc
- Wizbyte Games
- WMY Studio
- Wojciech Krupinski
- WOLCEN Studio
- Wolfgame
- WolfgangIs
- Wolfire
- Wolfire Games
- Wolverine Studios
- Wonderfling
- Wonderful Tree Studio
- Wonderscope
- Wonderstruck
- Wooden Alien
- Woodland Games
- Woodsy Studio
- World Loom
- World-Loom
- World's Edge
- WorldWideSoftware
- Worm Animation
- Wormwood Studios
- Worst Girls Games
- Worthing & Moncrieff
- Worthless Bums
- WRGenesis
- Wrong Organ
- Wronghut
- WTFOMGames
- Wube Software LTD.
- Wulo Games
- WXP Games, LLC
- Wyrmling Productions
- X-Bow Software
- Xaloc Studios
- Xatrix Entertainment
- Xavi Canal, Ben Palgi
- Xaviant
- xeetsh
- Xendra
- Xero TR-MMXZ
- XField Paintball SAS
- XGen Studios
- xiaofeixiong
- XII Games
- XiNFiNiTY Games
- Xiotex Studios Ltd
- Xitilon
- xixgames
- XMPT Games
- XREAL Games
- Xsplit
- Xtal Sword
- Xtase Studios
- xXarabongXx
- xXarabonXx
- XYLA Entertainment
- Ya2
- Yaeko
- Yager Development
- Yah_Shi
- Yacht Club Games
- Yakiniku Banzai
- Yakov Butuzoff
- Yakovlev Vladislav
- Yang Sun
- Yangyang Mobile
- Yanim Studio
- Yasen
- Yatagarasu Dev Team
- yayapipi
- Yazar Media Group LLC
- YeaBoing
- Yeah Us!
- Yellow Bun
- Yellow Dot
- Yellow Panda Games
- yeo
- Yeti
- Yeti Trunk
- Yfrit Games
- Yippee Entertainment LTD
- Yo_Serjio
- YOHCAN Co., Ltd.
- Yokcos
- Yonder
- YorkshireRifles
- Young Horses
- Your Story Interactive
- Yoyo Games
- YS Net
- Yuke's
- Yume Creations
- YummyYummyTummy
- Yustas Game Studio
- Yuzusoft
- Z-Software
- Z-Software GmbH
- Z4G0 and Ivan Venturi Productions
- Zabuza Labs
- ZackBellGames
- Zadbox Entertainment
- Zach Kehs (SunnyKatt)
- Zachtronics
- Zachtronics Industries
- Zanardi and Liza
- Zandel Media
- Zanrai Interactive
- ZAR 21
- Zaratustra Productions
- Zazulin Alexander
- Zeal Game Studio
- Zeboyd Games
- Zed-ex
- Zeenoh
- Zeichenkraftwerk Jeutter & Schaller GbR
- Zeiva Inc
- Zeiva Inc Production
- Zeke Virant
- Zemnott
- ZemunBRE
- Zen Studios
- Zenimax Online Studios
- Zenith Blue
- Zeno Rogue
- Zenovia
- Zenva Academy
- Zeppelin Studio
- Zeritum
- Zero Degrees Games
- Zero One
- Zero Point Software
- Zero Sum Games
- ZeroBit Games
- Zerodiv
- Zetsubou
- Zhoori Maang Entertainment
- ZigZag Soft
- Zillion Whales
- Zillya!
- Zima Software
- Zing Games Inc.
- Zitrix Megalomedia
- Zoë Mode
- Zoetrope Interactive
- Zoglu
- Zoink Games
- Zojoi
- Zojoi Studios
- Zombie Studios
- Zonitron Productions
- Zoo Corporation
- ZoopTEK
- Zootfly
- Zordix
- Zordix AB
- ZovGame
- Zoxide Games
- ZSK Progres s.c.
- Zuakate Games
- Zut Games
- ZXDigital Ltd
- Eurocom Entertainment Software
- [bracket]games
- ][ Games Inc
- @unepic_fran
- △○□× (Miwashiba)
- 07th Expansion
- 08 Games
- 10 Chambers Collective
- 100 Stones Interactive
- 1000 Orks
- 10th Art Studio
- 10tons Ltd
- 10tons Ltd.
- 10x10 Room
- 11 bit studios
- 12 East Games
- 12 Hit Combo
- 13AM Games
- 14° East
- 14313
- 15571
- 16bit Nights
- 17-BIT
- 17Studio
- 18Light Game Ltd.
- 1C
- 1C Company
- 1C Entertainment
- 1C Game Studios
- 1C Wireless
- 1C-Avalon
- 1C-SoftClub
- 1C: Maddox Games
- 1C:InoCo
- 1CC Games
- 1P2P Studio
- 2 Zombie Games
- 2015
- 22cans
- 24 Caret Games
- 24 Entertainment
- 251 Games
- 2Bit Studios
- 2by3 Games
- 2D BOY
- 2D Heroes
- 2DArray
- 2DEngine
- 2DEngine.com
- 2K Australia
- 2K Czech
- 2K Games
- 2K Marin
- 2Pi Interactive Pvt. Ltd.
- 2Play
- 2SD
- 2tainment
- 2x2 Games
- 3 Core Studio
- 3 Fright
- 3 Sprockets
- 3-Fold Games
- 30.06 Studios Ltd
- 343 Industries
- 34BigThings srl
- 360
- 38 Studios
- 3909
- 3D Avenue
- 3D Realms
- 3D Realms (Apogee Software)
- 3D2 Entertainment
- 3DClouds
- 3DClouds.it
- 3Division
- 3f Interactive
- 3Mind Games
- 3xBlast
- 4 Fun Studio
- 4 Head Studios
- 43 Studios
- 48h Studio
- 4EdgesGames
- 4Fishing
- 4Friends Games
- 4gency
- 4Happy Studio
- 4Head Studios
- 4NetGames
- 4SKY Game Studio
- 5 Bits Games
- 5 Lives Studios
- 59 Studio
- 5minlab
- 5th Cell Media
- 5Wolf
- 7 Keys Studios
- 704Games Company
- 773
- 777 Studios
- 7TPGames
- 8-Bit Studio
- 800 North
- 800 North and Digital Ranch
- 8888888 LABS
- 88mm
- 89AM Studio
- 8Floor
- 8th Floor Games
- 8th Shore, Inc.
- 90Games
- 9FingerGames
- 9heads Game Studios
- Носков Сергей
- Почежерцев Влад
- オートリ電子
- 中子星游戏研究所
- 厦门雷云
- 哈视奇科技
- 掌烛文化
- 橙光游戏
- 錯落交織 Interweave